[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


sarNie Egg

Hi girls, I have a question. While you're listening these backsounds one by one, can you guess what scenes that are played using each backsound? If yes, you can have P'Pope fully. Deal? :pancarta:


sarNie Egg
Welcome you new person!! Did you come in here quietly so we won't notice & not grill you on our infamous pledge? (For pledge refer to @phatman 's siggie, for double dose backup pledge plus name of Head Pervert please look up @Rachfull)

Or have you been here before & I'm the new? Anyways hello!!
Hello, rosi.. I just appeared a few pages before.
Oh I know that pledge.
*deep breath in* BPS LSP 50 Shades White Pants Long Belt Long Jacket Two Golden Hairy Nipple Peeping Sniffing Muscle Shading Little Fresh Meat Pao Sauce Feel Good No Complaints Just Extra Pervy Ladies Crew :thumbup:


Which Pope interview? How could I miss that?? Is it subbed?
I think it was in one of the talk shows he went to. I can't remember which one exactly. . .

Pope believes in love destiny (awwww). He thinks if he's meant to be with someone, he'll meet her eventually.
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Does this mean one of us is destined to meet Pope one day??? :naughty2:
Yeah that one day already came by when he went to Singapore. Haha. Guess we weren't the destined ones.

Hi girls, I have a question. While you're listening these backsounds one by one, can you guess what scenes that are played using each backsound? If yes, you can have P'Pope fully. Deal? :pancarta:
We just need one scene each?? Deal! Hahaha.
1. Morning sunshine!!
2. When Date and Reung got promoted
3. Kade making merit for the first time
4. Date making Kade sad when he scolded her
5. When romance is in the air!
6. Flashbacks to Kade in school
7. During nam pla wan making

Done! Fair enough. Haha.


It's out!

Things I understood:
- Host knows Pope since the first day he entered the industry.
- If Pope wasn't pra'ek in BPS, who could've? No one!
- His popularity isn't ordinary because the studio is completely filled unlike what they usually have.
- Something about Pope being patient that's why he's where he's at now?
- His mom is his everything!
- He cried a lot during his rookie acting days because he couldn't get a lot of work and was jobless for two years, but his mom told him no matter what he becomes he's still his mom's son and she won't abandon him, even if he doesn't make money!
- His mom watches his lakorns, but has never bragged about him at all. She's never praised him at all and he says thats just how she is. He secretly watches her watch his lakorns and he sees that she enjoys them alot especially Sapai Jao.
- Even her friends praise him more than she does.
- His mom has seen all his lakorns.
- She doesn't brag or praise the older sis either. Even when her son is soooo handsome she doesnt say it. (Hahahaha. OMG Pope)
To be continued .. .
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