hi bitch. Listen carefully, you always think when yaya wear red shirt and post a song in instastory which happened to be same with nikhun, you immediately say they are dating ??? LOL
And can you explain about nichkhun i think he's a GAY.
You should know every nichkhun post his favorite song on IG, Youngjae got7 always 1 minute first post the same song with nikhun posting. Nichkhun also once said in GOT7 group that youngjae so hansome and should be the visual group , whereas all the members are deny it and say that GOT7's MARK TUAN is their visual from the beginning and the most handsome. but nichkhun stick to his position and choose Youngjae

and also youngjae likes to wear red shirt too. And i can say that they're dating too..
You know nichkhun previously had a relationship before with tiffany but did not last long. It's possible tiffany already know that nickhun a gay then she decided to end it.

if you become so crazy then i can also explain even more crazy about nichkhun ..