So the guessing game is over? Ally has spoiled us a lot. He tagged @
urassayas & @
keaw_jung on an old NY's magazine cover with "Safe flight" and a passport. Also according to Ally's caption and how he teases NY "You two are too sweet than it should be
", sugar overload will be guaranteed!
#throw back with some sweetness
Look how Yaya is excited. Since Na left Thailand, she has been very active in social medias whereas she is used to not posting a lot. She gets bored without her one of a kind? haha. This sailormoon pic is just too cute, I can totally picture Yaya who is happy to come in France, to attend LV's fashion show and then meet Na in Paris. YAYA IS HAPPY!
After that she sent Na off at the aiport with that big hug because they would have been separated for 1 week...
I wonder how will be their reunion....
Who is excited?
Let's eat some croissants!
cr.rightful owners