Marry Kiss Or Kill Game


sarNie OldFart
Marry: Tom Hardy
Kill: Cillian Murphy & Christian Bale
*sorry not sorry lol.

Next: Ken.T, Akshay Kumar & Gong Yoo
so agree on Tom :love: and whattt? Cillian is super hot in the peaky blinders!

Girlll this is super hard!
Marry: Gong Yoo
Kiss: Ken T
Kill: Sorry akhi :(


wishing on the same star, looking at the same moon
hmm..:confused12:i’m not familiar with these actresses but will do based on looks.. shallow I know :p
Kill—Kao, lol

Can we do fictional characters?
If so,, Milhouse, Ralph Wiggum, Ned Flanders


PrincessKarina here we go!

Marry Ned Flanders
Kiss Ralph Wiggum
Kill Millhouse

Next up: Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, and Jennifer Love Hewit ;)


wishing on the same star, looking at the same moon here we go!

Marry Ned Flanders
Kiss Ralph Wiggum
Kill Millhouse

Next up: Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, and Jennifer Love Hewit ;)
Sadly, I have never seen a movie with Jennifer Love Hewit so~~

Marry—Jennifer Aniston
Kiss—Angelina Jolie
Kill—Jennifer Love Hewit

Next: Amanda Bynes, Hilary Duff, Vanessa Hudgens


sarNie OldFart
Sadly, I have never seen a movie with Jennifer Love Hewit so~~

Marry—Jennifer Aniston
Kiss—Angelina Jolie
Kill—Jennifer Love Hewit

Next: Amanda Bynes, Hilary Duff, Vanessa Hudgens
Marry: My love Hillary
Kiss: My girl Vanessa
Kill: Amanda! She used to be so cute and pretty but after her Lindsey Lohan stage, she not anywhere close to how she looked before sadly


sarNie OldFart
Kiss: Shia Labeouf
Kill: Justin Bieber & Will Poulter
*sorry not familiar with Will lol. I'm not in the mood to marry any of these men.

Next: Tono, Drake, Taecyeon (*spot the common link between these three)
Singers/Artists but also actors
Marry: Tono
Kiss: Taecyeon
Kill: Drake

Next 3: GDragon, T.O.P., and Nichkhun


Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
Singers/Artists but also actors
Marry: Tono
Kiss: Taecyeon
Kill: Drake

Next 3: GDragon, T.O.P., and Nichkhun
I would def mary Nichkhun (he looks like such a sweet person) :)
Kiss Top ( my favorite out of BB) :)
Kill Gdragon (I was never a fan of his look/face) :(

Next 3: Will Smith, The Rock, Chris Tucker


Marry: The Rock
Kiss: Will Smith
Kill: Chris Tucker *I'm so sorry

Next: LL Cool J, P Diddy & Jay Z
Lol here we go!

Marry P Diddy (he was so hot and cool back then and loved his raps)

Kiss LL Cool J (love his lips what else? Lol)

Kill Jay Z (never been a huge fan)

Next up Queen B, Ri Ri, and Brandy.