I know. I want everything right now too but I think it's good that they wait to release the second ost a day before the lakorn airs. Keeps people on the edge of their seats and anticipating more all the way until the day of the airdate.awww so cute
but man i was hoping gun's ost will be today
Omg, I love this poster, it looks fresh, beautiful, cute and funnyOMG this should be the official poster. It's so fitting.
cr: teamkhongkwan
Isn't the Vic event a little late this year? It's usually at the end of each year isn't it? That's when they show the teasers for all the new dramas right? Anyway, I hope OK go as a pair. We all know MK are together in real life but at least for the sake of this lakorn, OK should do some promotions together at the big upcoming Ch.3 events (Vic, Ch.3 concert, etc.).
These two are always cute. The ost is releasing tomorrow ! Omg, I am so excitedLook at these cuties!!! According to P'Chu, Gun's ost will be released tomorrow?! Finally!!!!
cr: chudapa
Thank you for updatethere is a live chat tomorrow with kim/mario/pun
cr. Kimmy-Kimberley-CFI can’t stop laughing with her cute movements
Thank you very much for translating. Chhaba is soooo cute.cr. Kimmy-Kimberley-CF
2019-01-28 19:48
from :https://www.weibo.com/5745564204/He47akQWR?from=page_1005055745564204_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime
2019.1.28 Hello everyone, I am Chaba, I am 17 years old, and almost 18. I am a "Siamese lady with elegant manners". Please pay attention to the "Thong Eak Mor Ya Tah Chaloang", that will broadcast on the 31st.
Comments below the post:
阿砖是个迷糊蛋Chariel: What did the last sentence say, so shy?
Kimmy-Kimberley-CF: The host asked that what you have to say to Thong Ake, and Chaba replied that she would personally say to him.
水货小七: Why looks old, instantly igniting Chaba.
So in love with this beautiful poster.they will have a busy morning tomorrow
Thank you for sharing
Is Pat there? Saw her son on BTSi hope someone will upload the whole thing later please some clips from the morning news