Well I have been on a rollercoaster. Their wedding and married life scenes were so adorable and silly. But the outbreak

i'm stressed. Mario did a very good job. Poor Thong eak, so young, newly married and trying his best to cope. I really loved the scene where he broke down and Chaba cheered him up and then she broke down ourselves. They are such brave people. It would be a horrible end if something happens to Chaba but I think logically since she has said about 5 times that she's going to die by Lakorn logic the opposite will happen. (I hope)
What is it with Kla and Pong's relationship? She doesn't show much affection to him but doesn't resist his advances. A very odd girl. Also Mar Ginkae is a horrible person, but it's realistic I suppose, that is how women were treated in feudal societies. I don't dislike Kla he is just a product of his time, and Punjan should really make it big I'm rooting for him.
Nichkun and Margie's presence added nothing and broke the flow. Annoying
Okay, I'm waiting for Wednesday now !