Yes you get a lot info lol you guys should bing on the first one coz it's already better than part 2 for sure lol
KK just isn't that good and I actually blame act art. I think I stopped at ep 4-5-6 can't really remember lol I think they didn't execute it properly with the tone and direction of the lakorn. I also have a big problem with the casting most of the cast are replaceable lol I think only Bella, Fresh, and Pear are doing the best with their characters and on a consistent basis. It's a popular lakorn a lot of people are watching it but a lot also say it doesn't, pai sood if you read feedback it's mixed.. if you go read feedback that's what you'll see, some say it's really good, some say it's okay but nothing that great. I was really mad at the scene of the wedding of the second son... like it's the first scene where bella and pear meet and the prostitiute gang crashed it but there was NO PAY OFF... it was so weak. I thought something was gonna go down but nothing so I was over it then, like I'm not wasting my time for that lol Act art makes it in a way where they try to be a little charming and cute with some storyline and characters, while I don't know if it's accurate to the novel, I think it's a bad balance of tones because I think this lakorn should feel darker and more drama than it does but the dialogue wasn't as raeng, the acting is eh, ... it's not a bad lakorn, it's watchable, like reuy reuy but there's nothing that great about it to talk about ... there are episodes that are good some that are boring, it's up and down that's what I noticed and what I saw in the feedback and you can tell by the ratings it's up and down and that's due to storyline. And you know it's true that the excecution isn't really hitting the spot coz for such a "raeng" "saap" lakorn, I don't think there's been many scenes that went viral. That's how you know a lakorn is popping when scenes go viral. When bpsw was on air, they had at least 3 scenes an episode go viral with millions of views overnight. You watch sood kaen, the buzz for that one was off the charts, the ratings was jumping up from one ep to the next and it was since the beginning and the storyline was always on an incline UNTIL the end ahhahaa The grandkids' generation when they were adults KILLED sood kaen lol sood kane peaked around the grandkids time around their teenage years lol Damn I could not stand arpo, peun, and chippy lol but mona, tao, and bank were good to watch. I was over it by the last few eps lol