I guess you and I think a little different cause even if the mom thinks her parents just died in a car accident, losing both of your parents so suddenly and being thrown into an environment you’re not familiar with is still a traumatic experience. Plus her servant was literally disrespecting her and provoking her in front of the mom and she still didn’t even try to say anything to the servant. Idk the mom doesn’t seem to like her at all. I’m not saying Fahmai is right but don’t just sit there and try to scold only one person when the other person is literally provoking her in front of you. Especially when that person you’re provoking is literally a child. What do you expect to happen when you insult a teenager using their newly dead parents? So yeah I just feel like the mother’s behavior in the second episode doesn’t really make sense.
Actually, I don't think differently but my
spectrum is a little broader, I feel. I like to see all aspect of each person's thinking to understand. I don't necessarily agree with what they are doing.
I never said I would ever do what she (the mom) did nor did I say what she did is correct or not. I did what you did. Give an explanation of reasons why she is that way. We have to put ourselves in their shoes. The mom loves her child and her family. She obviously didn't have more to give nor want to give.
Nk is a traumatized kid whom went through a lot and is lashing out in a toxic unhealthy way. Pk dad is the only one who knows the whole truth. That is why he emphasize with her more.
I work with children like her and risk getting hurt everyday. I risk getting stabbed when they lash out. I got the scars to prove it... The differences is I chose this profession. Many ppl are not up to that nor have the tolerance for it.
I work with the children and the families. I always have to remind the mother/parent that for them to understand the why but don't excuse that behaviors.
I.e. the child hit someone on the bus. Mom had every excuse/reasons. Which is valid, still it is NOT ok to hit other people for whatever reason. What we learn is that in every conflict we have. We hit. It hard for a parent. They are in denial and later most get to the grieving stage and then acceptance. Many ppl never pass the denial stage.
I've also worked with many teachers who don't understand behavioral children. They never were expose to it, educated nor train. It was hard for them to understand and think outside of the box of what they consider "normal" or what should be.
Lack of understanding/ education of the subject is a big barrier
I'm thinking of it in a "professional " broad from my occupation of working with mental health, behavioral issues and ppl on the spectrum.