❤️ Various ET News


sarNie Adult
Two of the people in Tangmo's case, Por and Robert have admitted guilty to negligence etc for causing Tangmo's accidental death. Por is going to jail for 2 years 2 months while Robert is going for 2 years 9 months. The others are still pleading not guilty so their cases are ongoing.

But oddly enough, for this past year, Por and Robert have been super close to Tangmo's mom. During her birthday last year, they attended her party with gifts and even ate dinner at the same table. Tangmo's mom even attended their verdict and held their hands walking out of the court house. She told the press that she was satisfied with the verdict and that these two are good kids that take care of her.



sarNie Adult
Two of the people in Tangmo's case, Por and Robert have admitted guilty to negligence etc for causing Tangmo's accidental death. Por is going to jail for 2 years 2 months while Robert is going for 2 years 9 months. The others are still pleading not guilty so their cases are ongoing.

But oddly enough, for this past year, Por and Robert have been super close to Tangmo's mom. During her birthday last year, they attended her party with gifts and even ate dinner at the same table. Tangmo's mom even attended their verdict and held their hands walking out of the court house. She told the press that she was satisfied with the verdict and that these two are good kids that take care of her.



sarNie Adult
James and Pie kind of cute… since they are like together without the work or koojin going on. Felt genuine. They didn’t try to market that.


sarNie Adult
They had lakorn together and share management, so who knows lol
Which is why it took a while for people to catch on, maybe? But I kinda’ agree with @bit … they feel natural. It’s like they gradually grew closer.

If koojin marketing I think they would have pushed both of them together right from when Pie started in Ch3.

These days I feel like only the BL dramas put so much emphasis on koojin.


sarNie Adult
What happen with Got and Bow really are unexpected. Even we feel shocked whats more Bow.
Right? That’s exactly how I felt. When the news first broke I was shocked cos I just saw them travel overseas together.

No matter what the problems or whatever caused the change of heart, 10 years of relationship should end in a better way than this if it must.


sarNie Adult
That is super weird? Is Tangmo’s mum… ok? :confused0:
I wasn't following the story closely but Tangmo was estranged with her for years, and the mom was criticized for profiting from Tangmo's death. I know she was glowing and smiling and busy taking selfies with celebs at Tangmo's funeral. I remember it was Aum that organized the funeral and everyone was pretty upset at the mom's behavior. I think she's also suing the people involved in the case for money as well, so yeah, she's not your average mom.


Sharp-tongued Siberian diva
Which is why it took a while for people to catch on, maybe? But I kinda’ agree with @bit … they feel natural. It’s like they gradually grew closer.
I don’t know, they were so on your face when their lakorn was on air, I don’t even follow them but saw them everywhere. So I’m kinda doubtful about them for now lol


sarNie OldFart
Oh interview about GF modeling in a wedding dress.

She's looks great.

His interview is telling to me....it's not that I'm not ready but I'm not in a hurry. I am not looking into nor focus about building a family yet. It's the future.

From what i observed from ppl in real life and dara is that if they want to get marry they do.

My bro in law was Im a relationship for 14 years...broke up with her when he meet my sister at work. They were friends but he knew his feeling hit him differently. They eventually dated later on and marriage in 2 yrs. Another example is Gypsy and her man. He met her and knew. He then broke up with his current gf and waited to see if he is destined to see Gypsy again.



sarNie Egg
Right? That’s exactly how I felt. When the news first broke I was shocked cos I just saw them travel overseas together.

No matter what the problems or whatever caused the change of heart, 10 years of relationship should end in a better way than this if it must.
Agree. It just cruel doing that towards the person that you share happiness for 10 years. Give a proper closure so that she can move on and not just stuck wondering what happen/whose fault/etc.


sarNie OldFart
Bow - I will talk about it on the show. What should I answer.

Got - you say whatever you want or need to say.

Things changed after the vacation. He asked for a "me" time.

A month later...2 months later....didn't really contact with each other. I put our pictures in a box.

I called him today that i will be going to work. I will talk about the relationship. He confirm there is no change.

During the discussion we discussed thing during the "Me" time.

There was some signals for a bit, but I didn't think too much into it.

I didn't think it was over, I figured we are just "seperating"....taking time.

I love him and don't want to give up?

I don't want to go into too much details....it's personal. We talked and discussed things. I got some answers and didn't get some. It was official right before this show when i asked/tell him the interview.

He didn't necessarily say "break up", but his attitude and demeanor that it is fully over.

He usually leave like this, "me time". He'll ask to take time and "clear" himself and we reset. So I still have hope...it will be the same as before.

To be fair, we don't have a full detail on what they talked about...when he said "Me" time/break.

Some things were repeated, do I didn't translate everything.

There is 3 sides to the story...his...her and the truth.

I empathize with her...but it is between 2 ppl and we don't know the full story.

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sarNie Adult
I don’t know… when you are in a relationship withtout anything tangible holding you on for 10 years, it’s a bit messy. Especially for woman, yes I am being conservative here..

Like someone said, when it’s the one, they will try to be in that bond of marriage or anything, if not, it will get dragged forever.


sarNie Adult
I think regarding relationships and commitment, each person is entitled to their thoughts and beliefs, and whether they can stay together it’s a matter of whether the couple can come to agreement and making compromises where they need to. That’s just life.

Yes, when dara want to get married, they will. Amongst male dara, there are several that don’t seem to hurry to be in a relationship and/or have said they don’t want kids. And they have been upfront about it: Mario, Pope, Got. If they are honest about it and the women who they’re with it can accept it, then that’s fine on both parties. It’s a matter of finding someone you can agree with.

Sirita & her husband were honest with each other at the beginning that they were looking for someone to marry and were of the same mind when they found each other.

On the other hand, Cee and Amy have been frank on the fact that they don’t want kids.

I don’t think it’s wrong if someone doesn’t want to marry or want kids - as long as their partner is also of the same mind. Rather than you marry and then have kids and then end up divorcing… I think it’s better that people be clear on their goals and expectations. But then of course, if you’re expecting to start your own family, then stay away from those people.


sarNie OldFart
Usually if a man knows you are the one it doesn't take long for him to figure that out. Dating for a long period of time is a risk you willing to take. People changed throughout the years and sometimes feelings do changed along.

Been married for 23 years and about to hit 24. We didn't date or anything. Got married when I was really young, but we decided to grow old together lol. Love is a choice...you have to wake up and choose to love the person.


wishing on the same star, looking at the same moon
ugh I hate “me” time. I once dated a guy who needed “me” time , went thru prob a mid life crisis, and he became unsure about me after throughout the relationship I was always asking if he felt I was the one, etc and he always said yes. I hate it when ppl are unsure, not secure, one foot in one foot out. I know things can change, but for me, if I’m with someone, I chose them already and will continue choosing them only.