sarNie Hatchling
like i said...i have my reasons for hating hmongs and i'm not about to share them...
“they don't give a crap about hmongs...almost all my friends are either white or minorities and everywhere i go...hmong ppl talk crap about them...putting them down...” Do you actually think that I do not have any friends of other nationalities? Unlike you I don’t have any Hmong friend, and all my friends are college students and they are part of the baby boomer. If someone talks shit about your friend, you should resolve it right there. Go up to their face and tell them, if a fight breaks up, than fight for your righteous. Many Hmong girls who bitch about other are almost always too scared to fight. Trust me, that will resolved your problem, and thou they might hate you, you will gain some respect from them.i'll repeat myself...i do hate hmongs...and i'm not going to hide that for my reasons for hating them...i'm not about to share them except for the fact that they're a bunch of idiots who think they're so high and mighty just because they're hmong...always whine whine whine...and it's always about them them everyone should cater to them because they are hmong...and we all know hmongs are the greatest human beings to ever grace this earth, right?...yeah yeah...whatever...and the fact that i can read, write, and speak hmong...that's got nothing to do with my hate...and it doesn't mean that i have "hmong" pride and think i'm above everyone like the rest of the hmong population...the way you hmong ppl think you're all that and everyone should please you no matter seem to think you're so great and when things don't go your way you whine about a freakin spoiled brat...dude, GET REAL!!!...hmong ppl think everyone's hating on them and dissing on them when they are oh so innocent...what a bunch of BS!...take a look around you...your parents...your grandparents...your aunts...your uncles...your whole freakin family and your friends...they all talk crap about white ppl and other minorites more than the white or the minorities talk crap about i've stated before...whites and other minorities don't even know that hmongs exist!...they don't give a crap about hmongs...almost all my friends are either white or minorities and everywhere i go...hmong ppl talk crap about them...putting them down...dude, hmong ppl don't know them...they don't have the right to put someone down because of their skin color or their racial background...and you all say hmong ppl are the greatest human beings ever...i say, just shove it...i'm not about to let some stupid hmong ppl who are freakin close minded put my friends down
Tee-hee... If you look around, isn't that what most people are doing? Dying their hair a different color...yet, you know what? These are the people who claim to have Hmong pride.if you dont' want to be hmong, why don't you just dye your hair blond, change their first and last name to something else that nobody knows that you are hmong.
Oh! Oh! You know what people always say? "You can't hate what you don't know!" Or something along that line. You know what I mean. Anyways, yeah...Anti-Hmong knows ALOT about the Hmong culture. Haha which surprises me as well. But since she knows so much about them, her dislike towards the Hmong culture (or people whatever), is quite understandable.anit-hmong: According to your comment, you sure hate being hmong. The only way to not have the hmong blood line in you, is to commit sucide and be reborn. Or claimed that you are not hmong. According to your comment, you know how to write hmong; whatever got you to put your effort on learning the written language of the people you hate the most?
Someone who knows ALOT about the Hmong culture would not criticize the entire Hmong race based on little observations and experiences on a few pple of the race. Someone who knows ALOT about the Hmong culture would help the Hmongs become better people instead of ridiculing it. Just because someone sees flaws in the culture, it doesn't mean that she has all the answers and knowledge like the mentality about a certain culture, in this case, her Hmong culture that she supposely 'hates.'Oh! Oh! You know what people always say? "You can't hate what you don't know!" Or something along that line. You know what I mean. Anyways, yeah...Anti-Hmong knows ALOT about the Hmong culture. Haha which surprises me as well. But since she knows so much about them, her dislike towards the Hmong culture (or people whatever), is quite understandable.
I agree that no one even I have said that you were right.dude, no one said anything about me being right...all i've said was that i hate hmongs...and i have to say, i do know more about the hmongs than i need to know or want to know...whether that's enough to pacify you ppl or not don't matter to me...and seeing as hmongs these days are so high and mighty...they don't need help from some low life like i right?...hmongs have all the answers to everything...i hate hmongs but at the same time...i'm not a fake...i don't go around pretending to be someone i'm not
“they don't give a crap about hmongs...almost all my friends are either white or minorities and everywhere i go...hmong ppl talk crap about them...putting them down...” Do you actually think that I do not have any friends of other nationalities? Unlike you I don’t have any Hmong friend, and all my friends are college students and they are part of the baby boomer. If someone talks shit about your friend, you should resolve it right there. Go up to their face and tell them, if a fight breaks up, than fight for your righteous. Many Hmong girls who bitch about other are almost always too scared to fight. Trust me, that will resolved your problem, and thou they might hate you, you will gain some respect from them.
“take a look around you...your parents...your grandparents...your aunts...your uncles...your whole freakin family and your friends...they all talk crap about white ppl and other minorites more than the white or the minorities talk crap about hmong...”
What the fuck do you know about my family? My family is the coolest people when it comes to having whites’ or minorities’ friends. Don’t go off generalizing my family with other Hmong families just because you’ve had bad experience with other Hmong families. Let me tell you; my grandpa no longer exist in this world, and I have a grandma (septs-grandma) who flirt with anyone whom is younger than she is. My dad, who is friend with anyone he sees (retirees, working class people, neighbors), and my mother who treats people the way she wanted to be treated by them. And my siblings who does not give any shit about people’s races or nationalities. Well, my relatives, many of them are unable to speak Hmong, and are married to other’s nationalities. And me who doesn’t give a shit what other Hmong people do, all I care is my studies of Hmong’s behavior in a diverse world, and how they are playing along. Thus my career is nowhere near this subject, it will be an interesting paper to share and compare with my friends.
“i'm not about to let some stupid hmong ppl who are freakin close minded put my friends down” You may be right about one thing, me stupid? Sure, I don’t mind being called stupid, but closed minded? I don’t think so. It is you who is closed minded, jumping to conclusion? You should understand that, the Hmong people, that you’ve encounter will learn to accept this diverse American world, and they will slowly realize their stupidities.
You sure got offended there…I can understand why.
thanks for telling me i've got's greatly appreciated *sarcastically*...and if you must family knows how strongly i hate hmong ppl...and no, my parents DID NOT raise me...i raised myself AND my younger brother...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!...don't go telling me what i should and shouldn't be feeling about my "parents"...stay away from talking about what i should and shouldn't do or feel regarding my "parents"...and the comment about thinking before i say me...i always mean every single word that comes out of my mouth...thanks for telling me that you know me better than i know myselfAnti hmong: girl, i think you got some issues here......Does your parents know that you hate being hmong and hate hmong people that much? I bet you if they do know about this, they will not be happy..They'll be thinking like, what a waste of time for raising a kid who don't even appreciate her own people....Don't think that since you have hmong poeple,,,you also hate your parents, your hmong friends, sisters and brothers...Come on, don't judge your own poeple in such a crucial way..they're all human being like everyone else too, you're gonna hurt some of their feelings, you know..can't you think before you say something...i thought you say that you don't want people to put you white friends and minority friends down, do you think we would appreciate you putting us hmong people down..I don't think soooooo.
i'll repeat myself...i do hate hmongs...and i'm not going to hide that for my reasons for hating them...i'm not about to share them except for the fact that they're a bunch of idiots who think they're so high and mighty just because they're hmong...always whine whine whine...and it's always about them them everyone should cater to them because they are hmong...and we all know hmongs are the greatest human beings to ever grace this earth, right?...yeah yeah...whatever...and the fact that i can read, write, and speak hmong...that's got nothing to do with my hate...and it doesn't mean that i have "hmong" pride and think i'm above everyone like the rest of the hmong population...the way you hmong ppl think you're all that and everyone should please you no matter seem to think you're so great and when things don't go your way you whine about a freakin spoiled brat...dude, GET REAL!!!...hmong ppl think everyone's hating on them and dissing on them when they are oh so innocent...what a bunch of BS!...take a look around you...your parents...your grandparents...your aunts...your uncles...your whole freakin family and your friends...they all talk crap about white ppl and other minorites more than the white or the minorities talk crap about i've stated before...whites and other minorities don't even know that hmongs exist!...they don't give a crap about hmongs...almost all my friends are either white or minorities and everywhere i go...hmong ppl talk crap about them...putting them down...dude, hmong ppl don't know them...they don't have the right to put someone down because of their skin color or their racial background...and you all say hmong ppl are the greatest human beings ever...i say, just shove it...i'm not about to let some stupid hmong ppl who are freakin close minded put my friends down