I started watching this last night and I have mixed feelings about it. The storyline itself remind me of BahnSaiTong. And even Cee's character reminds me of Sonram's character in it. Overall, like I said eariler they over did on the beating, torture scene. It's really not neccessary to watch all of that. But then again this channel 7. I always find their lakorn overdo on that kind of stuff. As for Aum's character, she's really good at portraying both weak and strong characters, but I still don't see how she going to start her revenge on the family. All she ever does is go to school and never is actually home. I love Cee as the mature role, but I love better as the playful p'ek that we're use to seeing. From what I've seen (I admit I had to skip scenes mostly parts where servants, classmates and her family is hitting/beating/yelling at Aump...... it's unnecessary for to it.....just a waste of film and time) and from the previews, it doesn't look like there's much romantic scenes between Aump and Cee :unsure: :unsure: Hopefully, the story moves alot faster and Aump finds her dad's last will and testament. It should get good then... I just hope they don't wait until the last minute to find it.