Hmong leader commits suicide???


sarNie Egg
Thanks for all of your comments and thank you mly14 for the article about the death of the Hmong elder. I'm glad and thankful that no one committed suicide. I am also sad and I sympathize with those who have lost a loved one due to this issue. This is a very serious matter and I hope that nothing else like this ever happens again...because it is things like this that start rumors, especially in the Hmong community we all tend to spread them faster than the speed of light.


sarNie Hatchling
PeoPle dOn't Be toO haPpy....
HaTerS of Gen. Vang Pao woulD do AnythIng 2 mAke FalSe RuMors.
I hAte tHose PeOple.

First, Gen. Vang Pao isn't gOnna die tHat eaSy.
Second, he's PrettY smarT, smarter than ANYONE else...that is why Lao&Thai Communist Government hella JEALOUS.
Fourth, he's coming out pretty SOON...
Fifth, no matter what he is INNOCENT.
Six, we all know who turns in hIM, and because of what.
Seven, it's time to let others know, who HMONG are.
Eight, if you hate him, too bad. He loves you.
Nine, Don't be trippin, cause he sure INNOCENT.
TEN, he ain't dying easily, we all gonna die before he does, because i learned that he was heavenly sent...he's the 3rd hero to sent down for the HMONG...and he make it this far because he such a HERO.

how the hell do you know it wasn't VP himself who faked his own death?...wait...let me answer's because VP's such a hero and he wouldn't dream of taking the coward's way out, right?'s why he left you and your family in laos to die...but you and/or your family got lucky and got sponsored to come to the US...that's why you're getting the chance to sit in front of your computer typing up dumb statements

first, no one knows when they are going to die...death isn't a game that you can deem it to be easy or hard
second, if he's so smart...why the hell did he plan to overthrow a whole damn country with only 9 people in his "army"?...and the way i see it..VP is jealous of Laos and Thai government...that's why he planned on overthrowing them...and the comment about him being smarter than anyone's just an old guy who's gonna die any day now...and when that day comes...I'M GONNA LAUGH in your face...because he died before me and there's one less idiot on this earth wasting its resources
third, he become my father?...damn!, your telling me my mom cheated on my dad?...damn it!...why didn't you tell me sooner?!...ugh!...and for my whole life...i thought my dad was a REAL dad...damn now my life's screwed...THANKS A LOT! well, my dad is smarter than my "real" dad anyway..and the same questions can be asked regarding him being my definition of a hero is someone who isn't a coward...who isn't an idiot...who isn't greedy or selfish...and there's no way in hell that VP can claim any of those basic qualities in a human being...and heavenly sent warrior? just have to laugh at that...and fearless art of war...uhhhhhhhh...yeah sure...keep dreaming
fourth, ha!...coming out pretty soon? better start praying to your VP shrine...since VP was "heavenly" sent...maybe GOD will feel sorry for his greedy
fifth, no matter what he is innocent?...there goes your "hmongs are the greatest human beings to ever grace this earth" attitude...and hmong people wonder why they's because they support this kind of crap
sixth...he loves me?...WOW!...YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOO RIGHT...i can feel his love!...and it's i can die happy
seventh...i'm gonna die before him? didn't know you can tell the future...when am i gonna die? am i gonna die?...where am i gonna die?'s the 3rd hero sent down from heaven, huh?...yeah, some now he's getting what he deserves...THERE IS JUSTICE AFTER ALL!
eighth...your whole list just kept repeating itself over and over again...and pointless

Really? Hm, funny - very.
I'm a hater. I didn't start this so-called 'rumor.'
Like I've said before. Hmongs gossip like sh*t.
Who knows. Maybe when someone said that
"Oh my god! Poor VP, dying would be better
than living all his life in jail!" But then maybe
whoever the freak they were talking to went
off and said "VP DIED! HE KILLED HIMSELF!"
Hell, Hmongs sort of suck. Oh well. Too bad.

*Ahem. We're not going to die before he does.
I mean, I'm only sixteen. VP is...Seventy seven?
Yeah, he's dying first. Ha, ha. Laughing, I'm evil.
But sorry, don't hate me. I'm just saying.
No offense. No bitchmail, please - from anyone.

who knows....but i'm telling you...if he dies before us...then it becomes a curse that we HMONG peoople won't live long like him...honestly i wouldn't think we'll live up to his age now. But one thing, i feel bad...cause you people have no love for your dare ya still be HMONG anyways when you had no pride in yourself. RESPECT is RESPECT is all we need. What happens if your father's next??? would you need our support also???i bet you do.

Be proud of who u r. don't trash our pride just like that yo. I wouldn't laugh if you're dad, uncle, cousin, neighbor, brother's next on the list...that's sad.
Show some love for our LOVING HERO....he's the reason we are you think U.S. care about us at all. i don't think so...without him...lifes won't get any better. SEriously.
ARE YOU FREAKIN SERIOUS?! people these days...the things that people post up...

uhhhhhh...for your information...the average life span is somewhere in the mid 80's...and statistically, women have a longer life span than men...therefore, i have two advantages on my ain't likely that VP is going to out live the only curse VP will bring is that hmongs have someone like him as their "general"...and i do have pride in myself...but there's no way in hell you can convince me to have pride in hmong studipidity...and as for or non-family...i don't support idiots and their stupid schemes

show some love for the loving hero?...what hero?...all i see is a greedy bastard who's getting what he deserves...AND HE IS NOT THE REASON WHY HMONGS ARE IN THE U.S!...he LEFT his people to die in the mountains of laos...the bastard...he got hmong people to sacrafice their lives for him and his damn selfish reasons and then left them to die...great hero...and about the US caring about the hmongs...whether they care or not...well, your butt is here in the US, ain't it?...and most of your people are sitting on their lazy butts living off of their money, ain't they?...what the hell are you complaining about? got it good...and NO it is not because of VP...i don't see VP supporting his people...all i see is VP cheating his for life being good...i ain't got nothing to complain about...i'm financially stable...mentally stable...physically able...did VP help me in anyway any time in my life? he didn't...i've got my ownself to thank for don't be telling me that my life is over because VP is an idiot who got what he deserved

Actually, I'm very proud of who I am. I thought someone
said something about not bringing family members into
this. Use another example other than my male family
members. Like I've said, "no offense." If I offend you, it
wasn't my intention. Like ceda_lee said, closed mouths
don't get fed. I'm just feeding my opinion. Free country.
I can say whatever I please on this site too. Anyways, why
would my family be on the list? They didn't do this crap that
VP did. Don't get mad at me just because I don't support him
and you do. But yes, the US does care about us. Because if
they didn't, you wouldn't still be sitting at your computer
typing all this stuff to me. You're still here in the US.
They didn't kick you out because one Hmong ex-general
decided to start a war without the US Government consent.

Also, if my parents or family or whoever is related to me gets
into any trouble, I might ask for help, yes. But, I'm not going
to force it from anyone. Someone should agree or offer help,
not force it out of those who are unwilling to give. And if that
just makes me selfish like everyone has said, then well,
f*ck it. I am selfish then. It's your opinion, not mine.

Ha, ha. How dare I still be Hmong when I have no pride for it?
Um...Let's remember one thing first. You said it, I didn't. To
be honest, I do care for my people and I do have
pride in being Hmong. Why would I still be Hmong? Well, how
do you change your ethnicity then? Tell me first and I'll try to do
that, if it's not illegal or does not involve me killing myself and
reborn. Life is still precious, I wouldn't give it up because you
told me to. I wouldn't jump off a cliff if you told me to either.

Another thing. VP is not the reason why I'm here. As I
recall, my parents got married and also gave birth to me. Is
VP your father? My parents gave me life, they migrated here
because the US and Thai government allowed them too. I just
recall VP agreeing to help US with the Vietnam War. Think
again. Did VP bring you to the US? Maybe, if you praise him
that way, he did just through paper and an agreement. But
your parents gave birth to you and got you here.

Ha, ha. So...If VP dies, then that means the Hmongs are
cursed to not live long? Wait, so if VP got into a car
accident because he fell asleep at the wheel, then I'm
cursed to die early? Wow. That's like Jean Lamarck
saying that a man loses an arm, has children without arms.
I mean, he died, it's his fault, not mine. As I recall, I don't
have any of his genetic material in me. Let's see, my little
cousin's great grandmother-in-law has lived to over 108
years. I'm sure I won't die before VP. Let's see, are you
going to die before VP? Don't say that to me, when you'll
deny it for yourself. If VP got a disease or died from a gas
bomb, I won't die. My life does not depend on him. Nor does
yours. But let's see, my cousin says I'm saying too much
to you, so I'll stop. Again, if I offended you in any way,
shape, or form, I'm sorry
. It wasn't my intention.
I'm standing up for myself.

**Oh yeah, VP isn't my general, he's a general - an ex-general.

Ha, ha. Where's a picture of VP? I want to do that too!
LOLs. I love you, Bao. Ha, ha. Seriously, who'd be that
obsessed?! Crazy people. Weird.
RIGHT ON ADDICTION!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:


TEN, he ain't dying easily, we all gonna die before he does, because i learned that he was heavenly sent...he's the 3rd hero to sent down for the HMONG...and he make it this far because he such a HERO.
lol someone need to lay off the ancient chinese series..


sarNie OldFart
Here we go again...bashing on one another!!!, some ppl get offended too easily...and some, even if they clearly stated that their intentions were not to offended anyone, REALLY are to offend others...

You can have your take on it without having to directly refer to the other person...please try to keep it on topic...and I will try to too! PEACE!


sarNie OldFart
I'm gonna be a hypocrite...I dislike bashing on ppl, but some ppl are seriously asking for it...haha

genn04: Easy on the loving for GVP. After all, he's just an ordinary person. You're comments were really entertaining, although I don't find them all to be true. And yes, I agree. The communist gov't is jealous...why? Here's one guy without a country...without massive ammunition...without a big army...yet, they've been trying to get rid of him and his ppl for decades...have they been successful??? Hmong ppl are dying, but we're still here, right???

Addiction: How is it Hmong pride when all you do is state the bad qualities of Hmong ppl? What makes you proud to be Hmong? It's like...oh, I'm soooo proud to be Hmong, but they're bad...(I'm not saying that you actually said that. It's just that I haven't seen one good comment from you about Hmong ppl).

Anti-Hmong: You just made it clear to me that you're talking about yourself. You're exactly like those Hmong ppl you don't like!!! And cause those people you talk about don't get much attention (although I have to admit, you're very good at it), you publicize them...and where do you do it? In a Hmong forum. Pretty smart, indeed. You can thank me later for finally realizing that! Saves a lot of thoughts.

Others: Just cause you don't support GVP doesn't mean you don't have Hmong pride! Ok!!!

Again...I will try my best to stop bashing too!!!


sarNie OldFart
lol that's never going to happen ceda.. might as well just keep reading..
LOL...I know...I can't even stop myself...who am I to think I can actually help stop the bashing when I, myself can't even do it!!! It's know???


sarNie OldFart's hard to be nice when you're arguing with ppl who are totally against you, isn't it??? It's ok...I still like everyone at SW...whatever happens here stays in here ok!!!


sarNie Hatchling
stupid rumors...y would gvp commit suicide??...he's knows best not to do that...his people still needs him....and he doesn't give up on his people that easy...if he did, then he would've killed himself a long time ago.....


Chubs's hard to be nice when you're arguing with ppl who are totally against you, isn't it??? It's ok...I still like everyone at SW...whatever happens here stays in here ok!!!

haha exactly.. we disagree in this subject but hey in others we could agree.. normal.. i mean no one is going to change anyone's mind... i actually like this topic.. lol got alot of laughs from it.. shook my head alot too..


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
I'm gonna be a hypocrite...I dislike bashing on ppl, but some ppl are seriously asking for it...haha

Addiction: How is it Hmong pride when all you do is state the bad qualities of Hmong ppl? What makes you proud to be Hmong? It's like...oh, I'm soooo proud to be Hmong, but they're bad...(I'm not saying that you actually said that. It's just that I haven't seen one good comment from you about Hmong ppl).
I'm not bashing, does it seem like it? It wasn't my intention, I'm sorry.
But then even though I'm sorry, I'm not sorry that I posted what I
posted. I think sometimes, people just say things that has gone way
beyond ridiculous. They're praising VP too much, that's all I'm saying.

There are some things in the Hmongs that I'm proud of. I mean all the
gossips and attitudes of the Hmongs are dead awful. Just because I'm
proud of being Hmongs and I have Hmong pride, doesn't mean that I
think the Hmongs are perfect and that I'm going to not talk bad about
the Hmongs either. I mean, no one is flawless.

First of all, I'm proud of our religion. I think our traditional beliefs are
something worth respecting. But now that you put it that way, maybe
I shouldn't have any more Hmong pride in me. I'll just be proud of my
family and that's it. Truthfully, the Hmongs nowadays suck. They're
all like American wannabes. You walk around and see Hmongs dressed
like Americans, up to style and all that bull. They call have "having
style?" I don't see it that way. But that's my belief, right? Hmongs are
sh*t-talking about the White people but then they act and ress just like
the White people. It's too contradicting. Besides, if you've read any
of anti-hmong's posts, then I think you're question is answered.
She's depicted out the negatives in the Hmong people.

There are some things to be proud of in the Hmong society - some.

Another thing that makes me proud to be Hmong is that way back in
the past, we were able to depart away from China, since that was
our origin. But if you know the Hmong history, you'll understand why
I'm saying this. Hmongs were strong enough to be able to fight back
and become their own ethnic. I consider that something word being
proud of. But if you're trying to tell me that I shouldn't be saying that
I'm proud to be Hmong, then maybe I'll be like anti-hmong and
turn into an anti-hmong person.

But why do we really care in this situation, aren't we talking about
VP here? And also, I thought the matter was about me being a
shame to the Hmong race. Agh, I'm just confused now because of
this. Time to go to my little corner again and watch. Ha, ha.

You haven't seen a comment from me about Hmong people being
positive. Okay, I haven't stated one, that's all. Do I have to?

I find it funny when I was watching someone's post with VDO clips
of the protests in Sacramento. I'm amazed. Hmongs cease to care
about each other, they care more about themselves. All of a sudden,
VP gets arrested and they're all protesting. I just see this as the
Hmongs trying to find something to do to entertain themselves.

I remember one guy getting interviewed and he said that when he
came to see the Hmongs protest and seeing that there were so
many there to help protest, he's freakin proud to be Hmong. Erm...
Did he just realize it that he's proud? Agh, this is bullsh*t.

Seeing that the Hmongs are doing so much about this tiny matter,
I think the Hmongs are just asking for trouble. I mean, seriously,
like Natty has said earlier, just because one guy got arrested, it
doesn't mean the world is going to end. No worries. I might copy
Dyno, stay back and be an innocent bystander. LOLs.

---No offense anyone.


sarNie OldFart
Addiction: I'm not saying that you have to state some good qualities. You justified the negatives and I see where you're coming from...however, when you said that you're proud to be Hmong...there was no justification in that. So, it seems like you were contradicting yourselves cause you state the negatives, yet you associated yourself with Hmong I making any sense here? hehe...

Why do we care about this when we're talking about GVP's situation? I know you've been reading all the comments and clearly, it's not just about GVP's more about Hmong people in general...

I believe it's not GVP's arrest that has brought Hmong people together...we still have the New Years, right? That's getting together to me...and also, the Chai Vang incident...there were some protest...and then, the immigration laws too...there were some protest...the genocide in Laos too...GVP's arrest isn't the first incident that brought a lot of Hmongs together...although it is ONE of the biggest...

And that guy being interviewed...he said, "I am very proud to be Hmong right now." I can relate to that...when 911 happened and all those commercials and ads on tv made me a proud American for the first time...and when I was at the rally, I too was proud to be Hmong more than I've ever been. It's a feeling when you're right there seeing it happen.

I understand about Hmong people trying to dress like Americans and all that...I, a Hmong person, talk sh*t about them cause here I family and everyone else I know are trying to assimilate to a culture where respect to ours from them is invisible.


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Yes, I understand what you're saying. I do admit that
I'm contradicting, but then again, I'm a weird person. It's
rather hard to comprehend someone like me at times. Just
ask around. Ha, ha. But you're right in some ways as well.
I'm not against you either.

After a friend of mine told me that there were three thousand
Hmongs at the protest, yes, I'm touched and amazed, both at
the same time. I'm glad that Hmongs can get together and
help each other out when things are this serious, it's just, I
don't see it often. Life always seems to be...A competition,
that's how the Hmongs - or some Hmongs - see it. I even
argued with Darvil about it too. That's a bad topic though.


sarNie Adult
this crap is a lie...who the heck will come up with such stupid rumors have a little respect gosh