Actually, I'm very proud of who I am. I thought someone
said something about not bringing family members into
this. Use another example other than my male family
members. Like I've said, "no offense." If I offend you, it
wasn't my intention. Like ceda_lee said, closed mouths
don't get fed. I'm just feeding my opinion. Free country.
I can say whatever I please on this site too. Anyways, why
would my family be on the list? They didn't do this crap that
VP did. Don't get mad at me just because I don't support him
and you do. But yes, the US does care about us. Because if
they didn't, you wouldn't still be sitting at your computer
typing all this stuff to me. You're still here in the US.
They didn't kick you out because one Hmong ex-general
decided to start a war without the US Government consent.
Also, if my parents or family or whoever is related to me gets
into any trouble, I might ask for help, yes. But, I'm not going
to force it from anyone. Someone should agree or offer help,
not force it out of those who are unwilling to give. And if that
just makes me selfish like everyone has said, then well,
f*ck it. I am selfish then. It's your opinion, not mine.
Ha, ha. How dare I still be Hmong when I have no pride for it?
Um...Let's remember one thing first. You said it, I didn't. To
be honest, I do care for my people and I do have
pride in being Hmong. Why would I still be Hmong? Well, how
do you change your ethnicity then? Tell me first and I'll try to do
that, if it's not illegal or does not involve me killing myself and
reborn. Life is still precious, I wouldn't give it up because you
told me to. I wouldn't jump off a cliff if you told me to either.
Another thing. VP is not the reason why I'm here. As I
recall, my parents got married and also gave birth to me. Is
VP your father? My parents gave me life, they migrated here
because the US and Thai government allowed them too. I just
recall VP agreeing to help US with the Vietnam War. Think
again. Did VP bring you to the US? Maybe, if you praise him
that way, he did just through paper and an agreement. But
your parents gave birth to you and got you here.
Ha, ha. So...If VP dies, then that means the Hmongs are
cursed to not live long? Wait, so if VP got into a car
accident because he fell asleep at the wheel, then I'm
cursed to die early? Wow. That's like Jean Lamarck
saying that a man loses an arm, has children without arms.
I mean, he died, it's his fault, not mine. As I recall, I don't
have any of his genetic material in me. Let's see, my little
cousin's great grandmother-in-law has lived to over 108
years. I'm sure I won't die before VP. Let's see, are you
going to die before VP? Don't say that to me, when you'll
deny it for yourself. If VP got a disease or died from a gas
bomb, I won't die. My life does not depend on him. Nor does
yours. But let's see, my cousin says I'm saying too much
to you, so I'll stop. Again, if I offended you in any way,
shape, or form, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention.
I'm standing up for myself.
**Oh yeah, VP isn't my general, he's a general - an ex-general.
Ha, ha. Where's a picture of VP? I want to do that too!
LOLs. I love you, Bao. Ha, ha. Seriously, who'd be that
obsessed?! Crazy people. Weird.