Memo: $28M, 90-day Laos coup planned
By JULIET WILLIAMS, Associated Press Writer 14 minutes ago
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A group plotting to overthrow the communist government of Laos had a detailed 90-day plan to oust and possibly assassinate top leaders, according to a new court document.
The 18-page document titled, "Operation Popcorn: A Comprehensive Plan of Action," outlines a $28 million budget to pay local mercenaries to carry out the plot, then shut down all access into or out of the country. It said martial law would be established in the capital before Laos was transitioned to democracy.
The document, obtained Saturday by The Associated Press, was filed this week after the arrest of an 11th suspect in the case, 48-year-old Dang Vang, who is listed as the author of the plan.
It offers the first detailed look at the plan to overthrow the government of the Southeast Asian nation.
Prosecutors say Dang Vang and nine other members of California's Hmong community, along with a former California National Guard official, wanted to bomb government buildings and shoot down military aircraft in an effort to topple the country's communist regime, which has persecuted U.S.-sympathizing Hmong since the end of the Vietnam War.
At the heart of the alleged plot is Vang Pao, a 77-year-old former general in the Royal Army of Laos who led
CIA-backed counterinsurgents during the Vietnam War, and retired California National Guard Lt. Col. Harrison Jack.
Prosecutors say the leaders planned to purchase nearly $10 million in weapons, including AK-47 rifles and Stinger missiles.
The Popcorn — Political Opposition Party's Coup Operation to Rescue the Nation — plan details the cost to acquire dozens of sophisticated weapons, as well as payments for security forces, coup leaders, political and military consultants, and even mundane things such as office supplies and printing.
It details a three-part plan to take over the communist regime through a network of underground sympathizers who would "neutralize trusted government leaders." Those who could not be neutralized would face "in-house arrests or assassination."
It estimates about 1,000 security forces would be needed to establish martial law and patrol the capital city, Vientian.
Next, the group would take over all government buildings and communication systems, transportation and media. Airports and bus stations would be closed, and access to all major routes, including the Mekong River, would be closed.
Operation Popcorn calls for a transitional government to be set up within 60 days, consisting of exiled Lao leaders, members of the Laotian opposition party and cooperative government officials. That government would serve for two years before it would be replaced in a free election to be monitored by the international community.
Although many in the jungle nation lack even basic services, the America-hatched plan includes one decidedly modern necessity for a successful coup: a press liaison to communicate their message through broadcast and print media and invite the international community to support the movement.
Operation Popcorn identifies possible operatives from within the country, including disgruntled former military officers as well as more than 1,284 combat-ready troops and 10,000 unarmed opposition party members who are "ready to fight to overthrow the Lao PDR government."
Vang estimates that three-quarters of party members are "ready to rise up against the government and demand change or to overthrow the government. They are waiting for supports from the exiled Lao leaders and the international community."
The original complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Sacramento said the group planned to ship weapons on June 12 and June 19 to a remote staging area along the Thailand-Laos border. However, the arms broker who was to help deliver the weapons was really an undercover agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
The 11 men indicted are charged with conspiracy to violate the Neutrality Act, which bars Americans from taking military action against nations with which the United States is at peace. They were also accused of conspiracy to kill, kidnap and maim. All face life in prison if convicted.