I've been reading alot about this hot topic and finally I can't help it anymore, I have to reply. I heard both side of the story of khem and May/Aum. I don't know who is telling the truth and who is lying because some of the stuff they say conflict with one another.
First of all; when May/Aum gave the interview May said she asked Khem how did Khem get her car. May said that khem replied that it was her car (not mays' car). But when Khem did the interview on At Ten, she didn't say the same thing May did. Her story was different. She said that she told May to go ask the person who gave her the car to drive, who is Num.
Why would Khem said what she said? She wanted to be a victim na so she only present what she said at that incident to make her even more naa song saan. So she only tell what the other side did, the good goes to her and the bad goes to the other. If she really want this to end, she would not be pointing finger. At the end she said, "today, I'm a victim, I was took tam rai (getting beat up) when she totally confirmed there weren't any physical :loool:
Second; Khem said on her interview that May called Num, because he's the one she should talk to not her, and May gave Khem her phone to personally talk to Num. I quote this is what Khem say Num said to her, "Mun tum alai luer?" (Mun in this case is May, and it's an improper way to refer to another person, asking what is May doing). But when May gave her interview, she said that she tried to call Num but he didn't pick up because he was probably working or something. I personally think that when May said she call Num and he didn't pick up, that was before May found out that it was Khem driving her car. She saw it park at the Mall so she decided to call him. Afterward, when she called him again khem was present, and he probably pick up the phone the second time she called. So that was probably a miss-communication/understanding of some sort from both party.
Ditto that.
Thrid; Khem claimed that she was only test driving the car because she was planning to buy the car from Num because her family has a "collection of 11 cars" All I want to know is, who freaken test drive a car for 2 month? 1 week is understandable, but 2 month? She has to come up with something better, that's just ridiculous. but then at the same time she said that Num ocasionally park the car at her place. So he didn't lend it to her or let her test drive it; he was just leaving it there because he needed a place to park it then, right? her story just don't make any sense.
Funny huh? Because to test driving takes a person 2 months and wow 11 cars at home but only Num's car is available.
Fourth; After the interview on At Ten, Khem gave another press conference. In here she said that if she had known that the car belonged to May and that May/Num are seeing eachother she would have not taken her stuff/Man. WTF, she didn't know that May/Num are together? Have she been in the cave of something after num came out of monkhood. That whole scene he did about asking may to marry him on stage at Be My Guest Again concert. She didn't see that in the news...it was everywhere. Also, they attended functions together; there are picture on every newspaper and every news channel were doing news on it. Seriously, she need to come up with a better excuse then her not knowing and that she was kept in the dark from it all.
lmao another lame excuse eh? Khem was probably in the mountain for these past few years, how sad.
lol Khem said Num told her this:
At the concert: If Khem was the one invited, Khem would have been in the same situation as May. He said that sataan nakan pa pai (the atmosphere take them there).
At Sonya's wedding: It was a coincidence that May and Num was there. If Khem was there, she would have get to take picture with Num just like May does and the media would write that Num and Khem open up.
Num did admitted he was dating them two at the same time. Khem, she sure know May and Num is dating since everyone knows it. She should be the one backing down. But she claimed she doesn't know May and Num is an item

so I see something here, that you should trust the guy and not the media because the media made things up.
Umm who said that it was only a friend lending a friend's car? Num didn't directly said he stay at her house but what Num has been saying, he is implying he lived with her during that period of time when he dated Khem
This situation is split into many part na:
1: News everywhere saying Aum and May physcially harming Khem (Release from Khem's friend)
2: May: Where is my car?
3: A. Aum and May's press conference is just to clarified that they have the right to worried about the car cuz it's in May's name and she haven't seen it for a long time. When she seen it there she was surprised. B. They just want to clarified that they didn't touch Khem at all.
4: Aum and Khem: about the naa dahn word
5: Num, May and Khem relationship
oh every attack Khem made AT 10 was indirectly toward Aum. So yeah Khem's friend can be protective of her by making false news but Aum being protective of May by calling Khem naa dahn is such a big deal. :loool: And Khem even defended her friend that they just love her so they release the news. :huh:
But you know what's the most funniest thing? Tom, Khem's friend claimed that he never said Aum and May tam rai Khem when everyone heard him over the radio that he did said it :loool:
In addition, if they are so good at english, why did Khem's friend misunderstoodd Khem?
Now let's just wait and see the video clip. How life dangering it is.