here Dhan9...enjoy..tis is the translation for the openning...the guy song..i dun have the gal one...
thanks Kashie, it's ok you don have the translated female song, cuz i loved the male song better, it's more emotional..........
here Dhan9...enjoy..tis is the translation for the openning...the guy song..i dun have the gal one...
Cuz I'm old, I forgets think alot. hehe NongKisty,NongDhan9, and NongKashie love him as much as I do too. hehehey bong Prisna, you forgot to include me also lol, how could you?
You not asking for me? LOLARGH! WHERE IS KRISTY
-kristy yu nai??
Not like Pat, hehe, I want him come to kidnap me not his bodyguard, lol. I want romantic time with him. LOLlol. P'Prissy, you're so funny. I would loved to be kidnapped by him... Like how he kidnapped
Awww. Poor Kashie. My com is down right now. I just moved and I don't have the internet installed... I'll come every day by my school's com for right now though...See you guys later!!
Too many thing, dont know where to start out, maybe someone can tell Hunny!whats happening in here?
oh! my dear sweet Prisna i don't ask for you because i see you around the forum...eheehe...esp cuz i'm alwaise in the thai section Kristy..tat gal wuz away for like 5+ dayz....You not asking for me? LOL
If you girls wonder I'm online ithat mean Krit kidnaps me,ok! LOL
Chun Yu tat correct?? dun worrie...Kashie will help u run tis for as long as Kashie can...ehehehee...Where are you now, Kashie? If I don't see you by today when I get home... You'll see me... We still need to keep this running!!
I agree with you, So funny... Nok shouldn't have cutted all those other parts out... Well maybe if they tried to add the rest, it would have taken them 1 year to film... I wanted her to get preg. too.
tat's cuz we can't go on w/ out u Kristy we're a group...we're like 4 lilo guys carrie each corner of a heavy box w/ out u..wen can't progress...Hey everyone... You guys didn't even get that many pots Only 77 pages... How many more do we need? Anyways. I'll drop by again soon... I'll be back again and spamming on
I did one for Mafia Tee Ruk, Kashie but my computer got mess up so my bro have to get it fix and I didnt save the video to my usb, I work so hard on it but now it gone, I have to do it again when I have time, now school is so busy.Hey girls check this MV out...title "Breaking My Heart"'s of our Chakrit and Anne...i dunno where the scenes of Ann are taken out off...but the scenes of Chakrit are all from "Mafia Tee Ruk"...the scene are put together..i dunno..i thought it wuz prettie cool...they fit even had tat window scene where chakrit is screaming that he loves her...eheheeh
Breaking My Heart -Chakrit & Anne
Prisna if i can remember correctly u did some MV of Rome & Sirita rite? if u did...aww..u should totallie do one of Mafia Tee Ruk..if u weren't that person i'm talking about then..disgard tis i guess...LOL
Lucky I have to use the internet to do my school work so I usually drop by, hehe.oh! my dear sweet Prisna i don't ask for you because i see you around the forum...eheehe...esp cuz i'm alwaise in the thai section Kristy..tat gal wuz away for like 5+ dayz.......
thanks kashie, you did a very good job lol, i really like it, especially the look of chakrit in that picture, he looked so fresh and handsome there and i liked his sunglass and his jacket there, hmm he looked so :drool:okay..i'm back 2 do my's a graphic i did for Mafia tee ruk i wuz gonna use it for my myspace but argh! myspace is retarded for the moment so..i'll share..dun laugh@ kashie now