omg outta everyone... i expected u p'Sam to be the less Ngok'iest outta these Sarnies but lmfao ur one of them.....lolwell let me add this to my wish since everyone is mentioning
omg outta everyone... i expected u p'Sam to be the less Ngok'iest outta these Sarnies but lmfao ur one of them.....lolwell let me add this to my wish since everyone is mentioning
I agree "napoleon dynamite sigh......."omg outta everyone... i expected u p'Sam to be the less Ngok'iest outta these Sarnies but lmfao ur one of
OMG whatever p'sam..... lol u should of never left out the 2nd part of ur comment on another post..... hahhahha jkjklol...i didnt finish my story yet...i want money so.......i can give my families & my love one the best christmas ever=] not
sure tina keep telling urself that.... even i want a matching shirt like that if i had a bf/ wanna matching t-shirt with me hubby :wub: LOL ... ok i kiid ....
OMG whatever p'sam..... lol u should of never left out the 2nd part of ur comment on another post..... hahhahha jkjk
*cough cough* hint to my secret santa... i want (NEED) ehmm want (NEED) the Hannah Montana Wig!!! hahaha and leg warms would be sweet also... dont forget funky ones!! lol
"napoleon dynamite sigh.........."lol..thats the truth i just wanna make my story
Come over here, you sure are legal in Francei dont know, i think because i have older friends? ahah. that must be it. seriously, they be doing some cool stuff and i'll be home because i'm not 21 -________- . i was fine with my life till my 'other' I.D expired. yea i'm officially sad. i feel like crying T_T