Nothing, just open gifts, and the next day when shopping,It sure Hours of driving and driving to the freaking concert. I'm gonna tkae the plane next time *sigh* . At least I'm going to get some cute Jay souvenirs later!! :lmao:
What did you do for Christmas, P'Prissy? Kashie?
Thank for the pic, Cheun do look sharp,thin,and HOT.This is how the real Cheun is suppose to be... Sharp, thin, my... SO HOT!! Even though he's just a manga character!! Pakboong could have been a bit taller and not all dressed up with meet balls and pony tails.
ARGH! i hate one's gonna hate u for stating ur two cents..unless u say someting evil like Chakrit is a monkey face tat's why i dun like Aump P...LOL..ok so i finally finished this lakorn...and gosh...i'm so sorry fans, but it took a lot not to fastforward thru...and i watched a dubbed abrigded version. i mean it really did get draggy in the middle. pat's first love guy (don't know his name) kept coming back for her even when she can't give him a straight answer. i mean i really felt sorry for the guy. how many times does she have to break the poor guys heart? he just started to look deseparate in the end. also, i mean chakrit and pat's back and forth in the beginning was cute, then it started to be a broken record...happy, then pissed, then oddly enough happy again, then pissed...i understand this is part of the drama...but gosh it was a lot...and when chakrit's character has memory loss in the end...gosh i just wanted to scream no more! and i must comment that i think perhaps pat looked too young to be coupled w/ chakrit on screen. no offense to her fans, but she looks too young, too skinny, and quite fragile...hard to picture her w/ a mafia leader or a buff guy like chakrit (honestly he looked better suited for the n'rai lily)...okay...sorry Mafia fans...please don't hate on me...just giving my 2 cents...i just have to say that i've seen better chakrit dramas...ok, enough of my venting...
LOL..i know huh..i'm kinda close-minded.and only stick to my usual actors & actress and only watch other actors wen i feel reallie obligated and then i fall in love w/ them..juz like Chakrit & Baung Bajatorn..LOL:wub: I just started this lakorn like two days ago..I'm on episode 8-9-ish..OMG I know I'm really late but I've been trying to avoid this lakorn dont know why?..But I finally caved and watched it. I'm so inlove with Chakrits character! GOSH AHHHHHHH
I love when she first got to Hong Kong and ran away and got lost and Chakrit said why dont you come home with me! aahhhhh omg I love that part! It was really funny when she was saying "help me help me" lol and then she hella grabbed on to the security guy! hahaha
At first I felt really bad for Por but now I dont care anymore! lol...He needs to move on already! OH and when TuhYom was trying to seuduce Chan omg hillarious! Ohhhhhhh and when they finally told eachother they loved eachother and Chan was like how much do you love me and then he held her hands up awwwwhhh...Gosh I love how he loves her! I'll be back with more..I'm going to go and try to finish it!
LOL..funnie my friend juz finished the R scene 2 day too..and she called me up to tell me...ah! i didn't realize that they didn't go off the ceiling...huh.tat was nice for a change...but i love the chinese sailing boat was like relaxing...ehehe..yeah! it wen she was saying shameless and easy..the way he said "sorry" was so cute..he sound sooo sorry...aww..if only i ever got a apolige from him like tat...**sigh**lol i'm back...just finished ep 9..what a sad and cute episode...This is the one with the "R" scene..LOL they didnt move the camera up to the ceiling this time! hahaha gosh I least she tried to fight him off-ish! lol...Awww but the scene right after the R scene was so cute. :r-scene-pop-corn: This is when she was telling him all the bad things he said and about being a person who isnt shameful..awwww and he was apologizing to her
man everytime I see chakrit i'm always thinking what big hands he has..and Pat's feet look so big..maybe because she's so tiny! Anywho my mission of finishing this will have to wait..i'm getting too sleepy! :blink:
damn cake for singing such a beautiful song! i'm so inlove with this ost!
AAAhhh I forgot about him hitting his chest! OMG I'm so infactuated with Chakrit! I still havent seen that lakorn with him and Marsha the one about the bed..I'm trying to find it..Hopefully someone will upload it. Oh I love the one about fabric forgot what its called..It was shot so beautifully! Is it just me I think Chakrit looks so tired in Mafia Tee Ruk..Was he shooting this and doing Pen Tor at the same time? Pen Tor is hillarious too..I think thats the name..LOL..i know huh..i'm kinda close-minded.and only stick to my usual actors & actress and only watch other actors wen i feel reallie obligated and then i fall in love w/ them..juz like Chakrit & Baung Bajatorn..LOL
tat security guy..she tried to grab for his gun..tat was halirous only proves wat Chakrit was accusing her of...ehehehe
neva felt any sympathy for Por...but he got hecka annoying...
AHHH!! **scream** dun even talk about tat scene...tat scene was just way too's so cute and childish how he held her hands up..and i loved it how he held her hand and kept hitting his chest w/ it...
ah! so tat's the manga...THANK GOODNESS the Chuen in the lakorn doesn't look like tat...or Chakrit himself...not too into skinnie dudes..tat manga character look like he can get his bones crushed so easily..eheheh..i'll stick w/ my P'Krit...i like how he's go gutty in this lakorn..he's like not scare of anyting..beside Pat sometimes..but i bet the Chuen in the manga is like tat too...ah...watever..i just hope dramafall is still subbing it.argh! i want my copy!! :wub:This is how the real Cheun is suppose to be... Sharp, thin, my... SO HOT!! Even though he's just a manga character!! Pakboong could have been a bit taller and not all dressed up with meet balls and pony tails.
after seeing the lakorn..can't possibly imagine anyone else playing these roles..the cast i tink was P.E.R.F.E.C.T!!! well tat's until the remake..if there's one..ehehehe..yeah! i hope he lose a lilo here and there...i like the look in Kol Ruk Game & Sang Soon soo much...awww!I totally wouldn't have mind seeing Marsha's son instead of Krit... Someone thinner... No hard feelings na, Krit?
wah! look who's back...ehehehe..enjoying JLR?? how's it coming along..i dunno i've been skipping the R lakorns lately..first Likit then now JLR...Nothing, just open gifts, and the next day when shopping,What about you N'Kristy?
LOL...i remember tose scenes...LOL..there were soo many cute ones esp. in the beginning...yeah! reallie like the first nite w/ the key tingies..he's like did u know the people around here calls me the man of the house..and he waves the keys in her face..LOL:huh: OOMG this was a manga? How dissapointing! Oh well I'll just erase that out of my memory! lol..I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS LAKORN..I havent finished it yet..I dont want to..hahaha but ok Yeah I know the R scene wasnt really an R scene but still it was cute! Ok here's all my favorite parts so far..Sorry if it doesnt make sense or theres some repeated parts but I just wrote these out really quick!
:yahoo: And the part when he asked her about their promise and she told him that sex is better when two people are in love and then he asked her when that will be and she said soon.ahhh and he asked her for a kiss…awww that part was really cute too!
Oh and when muey said paboong looked so pretty like an angel and chuan said ey what do I look like and muey said maa you look like a pra’eek! Lol that was cute too and then she said something like not as good as chin hao lol..this was a cute scene!
AAHHHH also the scene after the “R� scene where she was telling him all the bad things he said and ahhh the way he apologized…so sad ahhhhh apologizing
oh and in the beginning when she locked her door and he came in anyway and she was like how did you get in and of course he takes out his keys! Lol
oh yeah and when he was like tonight our bodies will be one..and then wack right in his that was funny!
Oh whats interesting is that you always see the friend work out but he never goes anywhere..not even to the mall or anything lol!
Oh yeah and when he went out to save whats her face and paboong was worried about him and waited up and finally when he got home he was like were you worried?..cute scene there too! Ahh and the scene where she had to help him put a new bandage on his bullet wound and then she had to help him take a shower-ish..oh yeah and when they were fighting for the memory stick with the games at his
ahh and the part where she put the mint crème on her eyes and then pretended to hang her self but then it really happened OMG! :loool:
Whhhhaaa yes that was sexy! AND YES I DID NOTICE THE HAND HOLDING SCENE..I WANTED TO KEEP THAT TO MYSELF! LOL..BUT SINCE YOU SAID IT..GOSHHH IT WAS SO CUTE! I NEED SOMEONE TO HOLD ME LIKE THAT!LOL...i remember tose scenes...LOL..there were soo many cute ones esp. in the beginning...yeah! reallie like the first nite w/ the key tingies..he's like did u know the people around here calls me the man of the house..and he waves the keys in her face..LOL
yeah! wen he asked her for sex..OMFG! it's like the first time for thai drama i tink...the memorie stick scene..**smile** if i was Pat..Chakrit would alreadi been mine rite there...LOL...ehehe..tat spong bath scene...funnie how he kept telling to go higher and higher..and it was so cute wen she said i dont' want to go any higher or else i might see argh ** yuck** and she makes tat one face..she's so adorable..
oh! yes tat scene where i went to save Chompoo..for watever reason..i dunno...he should ahve juz let her died..wen he came back home...and she got him a glass of water..i'm freaing serious i've neva seen anyone drink a glass of water that sexxiee wahh! and if u didn't notice how he held her hand...u need to go back and look...awwww it was juz wayy too cute...
Nothing. My Christmas was lame.Nothing, just open gifts, and the next day when shopping,What about you N'Kristy?
Dang! That was a lot right I couldn't bare to see it I'd either fast forward or close my eyes and ears then Which scene was that? The one with the Meuy saying you're like a pr'ek? I don't recal that one.:huh: OOMG this was a manga? How dissapointing! Oh well I'll just erase that out of my memory! lol..I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS LAKORN..I havent finished it yet..I dont want to..hahaha but ok Yeah I know the R scene wasnt really an R scene but still it was cute! Ok here's all my favorite parts so far..Sorry if it doesnt make sense or theres some repeated parts but I just wrote these out really quick!
:yahoo: And the part when he asked her about their promise and she told him that sex is better when two people are in love and then he asked her when that will be and she said soon.ahhh and he asked her for a kiss…awww that part was really cute too!
Oh and when muey said paboong looked so pretty like an angel and chuan said ey what do I look like and muey said maa you look like a pra’eek! Lol that was cute too and then she said something like not as good as chin hao lol..this was a cute scene!
AAHHHH also the scene after the “R� scene where she was telling him all the bad things he said and ahhh the way he apologized…so sad ahhhhh apologizing
oh and in the beginning when she locked her door and he came in anyway and she was like how did you get in and of course he takes out his keys! Lol
oh yeah and when he was like tonight our bodies will be one..and then wack right in his that was funny!
Oh whats interesting is that you always see the friend work out but he never goes anywhere..not even to the mall or anything lol!
Oh yeah and when he went out to save whats her face and paboong was worried about him and waited up and finally when he got home he was like were you worried?..cute scene there too! Ahh and the scene where she had to help him put a new bandage on his bullet wound and then she had to help him take a shower-ish..oh yeah and when they were fighting for the memory stick with the games at his
ahh and the part where she put the mint crème on her eyes and then pretended to hang her self but then it really happened OMG! :loool:
I didn't even realize that they didn't even have a ceiling thing.LOL..funnie my friend juz finished the R scene 2 day too..and she called me up to tell me...ah! i didn't realize that they didn't go off the ceiling...huh.tat was nice for a change...but i love the chinese sailing boat was like relaxing...ehehe..yeah! it wen she was saying shameless and easy..the way he said "sorry" was so cute..he sound sooo sorry...aww..if only i ever got a apolige from him like tat...**sigh**
his hands? i neva notice..and her feets either..but LOL Kristy remember how i dunno how we got there but wen we were comparing Ken & Tik's behind...LOL..and i said i would pay attention 2 P'Krit's behind..haven't..i should...LOL
yeah! i tink we girls had a share of our own obession w/ the ost...![]()
O.O That Cheun in the manga looks way better!!! I like thin dudes... Like Jay Chou :wub: . Somehow, this manga reminds me of someoneah! so tat's the manga...THANK GOODNESS the Chuen in the lakorn doesn't look like tat...or Chakrit himself...not too into skinnie dudes..tat manga character look like he can get his bones crushed so easily..eheheh..i'll stick w/ my P'Krit...i like how he's go gutty in this lakorn..he's like not scare of anyting..beside Pat sometimes..but i bet the Chuen in the manga is like tat too...ah...watever..i just hope dramafall is still subbing it.argh! i want my copy!! :wub:
Only if he was in a vest *drools*after seeing the lakorn..can't possibly imagine anyone else playing these roles..the cast i tink was P.E.R.F.E.C.T!!! well tat's until the remake..if there's one..ehehehe..yeah! i hope he lose a lilo here and there...i like the look in Kol Ruk Game & Sang Soon soo much...awww!
ah! any picha of Marsha's son..but isn't he a bit younger than Pat or did i get tis wrong..LOL..tat's weird...Marsha's son to play Chakrit's part..wen he did a lakorn w/ Marsha the mother herself...weird...