Staff member
HM. .. WHY? .. b/c it's the extra sauce to make it extra spicy. .. i don't' know. i'm glad they did it b/c it just make the story more revolve and more interesting na. .. first, come pity, pity come love, love come --okay, sorta r scene, then love come also hate, hate come love, and love create love-baby. LOl . .wow, it doesn't make sense, but it sure sound like a good plot. :loool: ..ok usually I don't post much but it's JLR fever lol
I love the storyline and how n'ek is stronger but why why rape??
i don't know about you all, but in every revenge lakorn, there have to have something special happen to make it more interesting . .no, i do not like thriller revenge. i want to see the TRIPLE 'R' romance/r/revenge.