Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Oldmaid
i think she starting to have feeling when he took bai keo leaves to increase his temperature and she was wiping down his body, i was watching her facial expression, seems she'd put a lot of effort into it :D

anyways i was frying some eggs, and i couldnt help thinking of the part where he told her to get the eggs from the chicken and the part when she threw one on his head lol (i was just thinking that after i was done frying them eggs i forgot to turn the gas range off..what a doodoo!) :eek:


sarNie Adult
my god.. it took me a long time to backlog. ..and i wasn't even able to read ALL of the posts. lol
soo... 200 pages. aiming for 300 now? :D

question: Twinky, in your spoiler.. when you typed
"my good one"
, what's the actual word in thai? is it
"khon dee kong pom"
or something? hee.. just wondering ka.. =)


sarNie Granny
i think she starting to have feeling when he took bai keo leaves to increase his temperature and she was wiping down his body, i was watching her facial expression, seems she'd put a lot of effort into it :D

anyways i was frying some eggs, and i couldnt help thinking of the part where he told her to get the eggs from the chicken and the part when she threw one on his head lol (i was just thinking that after i was done frying them eggs i forgot to turn the gas range off..what a doodoo!) :eek:
dis scene ...

... i want to stay and spam away in JLR thread but i have a date to the movie ...brb in 3hr


sarNie Oldmaid
hahah yea that one.

(side note: when she was wiping his face did she not notice that he had smile not once but twice--- :lol: )


Staff member
dis scene ...

... i want to stay and spam away in JLR thread but i have a date to the movie ...brb in 3hr
:eek: .. sarN going on a date? .. yup. this scene is sweet .. what about him, when did he fall of her?

LYNDA, lol . you cracked me up so bad. too bad, sarn left ..

anyway, to kill time, i did another one :lol: nothing special too .. i'm starting to be limited to my picture sources now :loool:


sarNie OldFart
In a way, I'm happy that it will end soon, at 14 episodes because then, I can watch it over and over and over and over again, HQ baby! :yahoo:


sarNie Adult
hey cecilia can i use those banners/poster???


sarNie Adult
:eek: .. sarN going on a date? .. yup. this scene is sweet .. what about him, when did he fall of her?

LYNDA, lol . you cracked me up so bad. too bad, sarn left ..

anyway, to kill time, i did another one :lol: nothing special too .. i'm starting to be limited to my picture sources now :loool:
Girl you're good, I'm taking your one of ur banner as my sig for IU forums.


sarNie Oldmaid
love the banners cecilia you're so creative. too bad i dont have the program to do such thing, but it's nice to see everyone else's artwork.

for all we know Harit prolly fell for her since the day he kidnapped her but revenge made him blind...cause after all he could have done more research before & during the kidnap or while shes at the island with him. he can also hire a PI for that he's got money, but no...

yea sarn's got a date! wonder what movie she went to see.


sarNie OldFart
^I agree, Harith already fell for So in the back trunk, when he examined her and said, you're looks are okay blah blah blah. Because immediately when they got on the island, he already began touching her, finding ways to take advantage of her. If you really dislike or am disgusted by a person, you would not be doing body contact whatsoever and obviously, that wasn't the case with Harith.

I was going to go watch P.S. I Love You, heard it was a good movie but I read some spoilers and in the end became disappointed so I'm going to stay home and work on my music videos for today, I haven't been able to finish them at all.


Staff member
PZE and LYNDA take it as you like na kha. no problem .. THANK YOU EVERYONE for the comment, as i suck in mv, ps is what i like to do .. mv, leave it to the pro like AIYA/SARN :lol:

btw. aiya, i'm waiting .. did you see my song? .. i suggest BSB crawling back to you ..
it match the whole mood but that won't be til the lakorn end to make the whole lakorn make sense :lol:

speaking of movie, i have not been to the theatre. last time, i watch was I AM LEGEND. LOL .. yup, i wonder too .. she's heading to see I LOVE YOU , i assume :lol:


sarNie Oldmaid
my last movie was alvin & the chipmunk (theodore is soooooooooo adorable) hahah yea its a little kids movie but shoot i grew up watching that too, and i will admit i didnt grow out of it neither.


sarNie Granny
i went to watch Meet the Spartan and it suckkkkkkkkkk...1hr & 25min waste . yeah , i have date lmao. nobody special i go w/ i just go to complete my day -- dont worry haha. ^^^ yup i agreed w/ aiyaja !! he know she HOT since the first day he capture her !!! As for Soyia it goin be after he try to soften up to her and show remorse for his action and w/ all his sweet talk he goin be doing she goin fall for dat bad boi want to change game ...haha