Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
^muahaha. . that part is so HOT .. i also rewatch the SHOPPING scene too ..

there are so many sweet scenes after the island departure. too many fave to name them all but i love love the SHOPPING part when he say he want STEAM EGGS and make her blush :wub:
I know!!!
ep. 10:

Harit stalking Soriya at teh supermarket. HE chuckles to himself when he sees her staring at the eggs....!!!!!!screams...too freaking cute.

ep. 11: I love this episode. It had several of the most memorable moments in JLR

“will you tell her what happen at the island; tell her what we are to each other?�


Harit playfully tauts her:“Is that True? What I’ve observed, when you sleep, you sleep deeply. You drool and even SNORE.�

Soriya loudly and pouting: “I don’t snore!!! It’s you who snores!!!!!�

He smiles, hinting that she has fallen into his trap by admitting something. Mofo Soriya, how would you know if he snores if you didn't sleep in the same room as him.. haha...mofo you got caught.
I just love the playfulness in this scenes.

He looked really cute that night too.

ep. 12

"If you're pregnant, I'll take responsibility." hahahah and he shouts so that everyone could hear. I died of laughter when i watched this scene.

Har...har..You're mine woman!!!!


Soriya: "Nu-Goon don't mine him. He's leaving and never coming back.
Harit stares at her: "Oh I'll definitely be back."

He is so freaking awesome. He does not take NO as answer. He fights for his n'ek!!!! I thought it was the most funniest thing when he said that. I didn't even think he would say that too. hahaha.


sarNie Adult
sorry for going off topic, can a moderator delete one of my double post. haha...sorry ladies. the fever has gotten to me and I can't think straight.


Staff member
sorry for going off topic, can a moderator delete one of my double post. haha...sorry ladies. the fever has gotten to me and I can't think straight.
i've delete it already .. you are on a roll today .. any luck on my spoiler -- arisoya .. :p

Aff is so pretty! I've fallen for her charm :spin: :spin:
YOU AND SARN are too cute . i'm falling for her charm too but more so of JLR in general :p but i adore her like these other fave actress of mine.

old news .. but still cute like always : more in here : http://entertainment.thaiza.com/detail_87135.html

SUNNY off topic, but what is this about? http://entertainment.thaiza.com/detail_86799.html


sarNie Adult
the fever include all three of those :loool:

old but cute : article in here : http://entertainment.thaiza.com/detail_88083.html

LYNDA those are my fave moments as well .. I LOVE JLR ..

anyway, here's more for VAN to drool on .. pretty soon, she run out of saliva .LOl

more in here : lucky fan:( .. http://entertainment.thaiza.com/detail_87903.html
Ooooh My GoD!!!!!!!!!!!! Shirtless, :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: Cecilia OH MY :drool: :drool: :drool: Thank you Cecilia :kiss:


Staff member
VAN just for you to drool on .. when i see him shirtless, you came into head :tease:

lol off topic indeed.
Its nothing much just about Jern being shy of Namfon to play love scene or kok kik scenes, woman love woman :p
i see . they both look very girly girl on the pictures anyway. i thought it was some sort of competition on the lakorn ..


sarNie Fansubber
lol well see you tomorrow night @ spicy just before it start, i'll tune in and hope to upload any selected clips on yt if i can catch it tomorrow nicely ^^ bye.


Staff member
Sunny, make it a date .. i hope to catch you online tomorrow too ..
first time in my life that i want SUNDAY to end right now ..
let it be MONDAY .. which i hate b/c i have to go back to work :lmao:

where's chenling .. i wanna read her story so bad now ..
btw .. who was up so late last night in here? .. i woke up this morning and saw ami still on.


sarNie Adult
Sunny, make it a date .. i hope to catch you online tomorrow too ..
first time in my life that i want SUNDAY to end right now ..
let it be MONDAY .. which i hate b/c i have to go back to work :lmao:

where's chenling .. i wanna read her story so bad now ..
btw .. who was up so late last night in here? .. i woke up this morning and saw ami still on.
yea I was asleep for like 4 hrs and I awoke to find 4 pages added to jlr thread.
Geez..what the heck were you guys chatting about.hahhaha.

You should work at a bank, it's president day, we get off. hahaha.


Staff member
LYNDA i use to work at a bank .. sick of counting money .. Lol .. BUT if they're mine. never :loool:
MONDAY seem like a long way to go :lmao: ..

anyway, you gals are crazy, staying up again .. Lol .. wonder if anyone catches him at his club ..


sarNie Adult
Sunny, make it a date .. i hope to catch you online tomorrow too ..
first time in my life that i want SUNDAY to end right now ..
let it be MONDAY .. which i hate b/c i have to go back to work :lmao:

where's chenling .. i wanna read her story so bad now ..
btw .. who was up so late last night in here? .. i woke up this morning and saw ami still on.
You're so funny.
I can't also wait.
First time that I'm going to watch it air live.
Making it special because it's the last episode. :(
But dang you guys are fast.
Been gone for a whole day and the pages went up like crazy.
Stupid computer caught a bug.


sarNie Granny
it werid --- i have a AFF fever and i mention lots of time dat she HOT in the lakonr --- while the girl is droolING over hARIT LMAO -- I just don't know how to express it w/o sounding like a lesbo haha . I guess NOI B is right about the " lom sneah " falling in love w/ Aff's charm dat she want Ken to accept the role to co-star w/ Aff. I bet NOi is have AFF FEVEER/JLR FEVER just like me


'owwee_its_leelee' , are you new here? Thank you, yes my Harit is very Hot and Sexy, please don't touch him. :loool: If not me and Prisna will hunt you down my dear. :loool: J/K

WHOA WHOA WHOA BUDDY SINCE WHEN DID HE BECOME YOURS?????? o geez we gotta get something straightened out hurr

Sy14, you did a very good job! I can't even draw my own portrait that good it so ugly or maybe I'm just ugly. :loool: I want my brother to draw a portrait of me but he dont want too, maybe I scared him away that why. :loool:
WELCOM Sy14!!! <3 your drawing of Soriya man i wish i could draw that good ha

and PRISNA! YAY! ur back girl i missed you haha being a good girl and actually doin your homework huh? that makes me feel bad cuz i'm supposed to be doin hw atm haahha and girl stop calling yourself ugly :lol:

let stare at old picture hahahhaha
and sarN requotes the pictures :lol:

lol Sarn, nothing wrong with that...see thats why we are all watching from afar, after Prisna and Van gets tired we can have Harit lol

you know that saying kill two birds with one stone! :arrg: :loool:
hahahah i thought it was "catching 2 fish with one hand" hahhahahhahaHAHHAH thats what Harit compares Sun too and she's too stupid to realize hahah he's used that fish expression w/ her so many times hahah and i like die laughing everytime

GEEZ! you gals were up here til past midnight? haha

PHEW i LOVE your signature =]

LYNDA haha thankx for those screen caps man i love them they're HILRIARIOUS! ahha i love that part where he like yells about the pregnant part and SO's like "i don't know you who are you? why are you talkin to me??" HAHHAAHAHA she's like GET AWAY! GET AWAY! HAHHAHAHHAHAHHA <3 the clips too haha

CECILIA that pix of Soriya is sooooooooo cute/funny

HAHHA ^^^ she's making that face expression towards Van and Prisna for stealing her MAN hahhaha she's getting angry hehe she's "heung" HAHHAHAHHHAHA

and YAY! we're gona get as famous as JLR is haaaahhaha watch them put our posts on the news or something HAAHAH then EVERYONE would have to wear a mask(S) ahahaha

SARN your not alone ahahah we all love Aff hhaha don't think you be sounding lesbian hahahha cuz she is gorgeous

RAIYA thankx for the YT comment =] hahaha after 3 trys you got it haha

ok i thought of more to add to the list so thats comming up =]


sarNie Granny
yay they're going to put the bloopers for us to watch. I guess at the end of the lakorn. I love to watch bloopers. Did you see that um whispers into aff's ear. The lady called it JumleuyRak Fever ahaha just like us.

I really like this pic. I love her blouse. I want it. hehee...
okay, I want to make a confession. I been watching jlr ep. 11 part 2, the part where he makes a late night visit to Soriya, over and over again. It's like my favorite part. I just can't stop. Do you guys do the same, re-watch your favorite scenes over and over again. I did it like 5 times now and counting. I swear, when the show ends, I'm gonna go through major withdrawal.
i have a confession tooo lmao i been watching eps 12 , the part where he give Soya the bracelet back . The whole scene was sweett/funnie. I love the part where Harit say truth is u love me too and she was speechless and she give out dat short scream "ehhh" then take off running but Harit pull her into his arm



270. we are in need of a heart electricuter b/c our hearts have stopped pumping so many times
271. we are now craving some ice cream/gelato/yougurt even though you don't like them or are allergic to them hahah

272. our electricity bill is going to x10 of what we normally pay because we're on the computer 24/7
273. now we are starting to experience another symptom- getting red ears like Aum when he blushes
274. now your friends can predict what your doing- JLRing
275. you have made the most randomest face expressions ever since JLR has been in your life
276. your signature face expression is "I"M ON MY JLR THREAD DON'T MESS WITH ME"
277. you have become a fast reader b/c in order for you to catch up w/ all the posts you have to read pretty fast
278. you have also become a fast typer from typing so much and replying to all the posts
279. we have planned out the ending even though we've read the spoiler
280. we love it how Harit doesn't take NO for an answer and how he fights until he gets his n'ek
281. we love how Soriya is playing hard to get and making Harit earn her love
282. we developed natural JLR instincts to just randomly sing out the songs w/o even knowing it, grab at eggs, faint, drool, write JLR everywhere, etc.
283. you tell your friends that your OBSESSED and you agree but you tell them that there's people out there more obsessed than you but they 1. don't believe you and/or 2. find that extremely hard to believe and don't believe you
284. you now have 4 different web tabs/browsers opened thats related to JLR
285. we now compare JLR to lakorns in the past or the present lakorns we are watching now if any, and will compare later in the future
286. after watching tomorow's episode and take everything in we're going to rush onto SW
287. we deff. love the jungle theme
288. later on we won't believe how obsessed we've been with this lakorn
290. b4 we just played the JLR songs in our heads now its gotten to the point that we just sing the songs out loud at the most randomest times and your family members just stare at you
291. now its gotten to the point that you have memorized JLR's songs lyrics and even though you sing bad you've practiced singing the songs so many times you actually sing the song good
293. everytime we see a monkey we go "GAYU!"
294. everytime we see a squirrel we go "CHUMPOO!"
295. at your next party your going to have JLR KAROKE and beat everyone at singing it
296. we've bought lil crafts exspecially for JLR
297. we LOVE the houses in JLR they're decorated/built really nice
298. we fight for Aum's love and OWN him
299. WE ARE BECOMING FAMOUS! first pantip was talkin about us now we're being referred to on the news hahahha just only a matter of time
300. we're all going to try to catch the last episode live tomorrow and the DAY COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN
301. we love Aff so much we sound like lebsians but who could blame us? hahahahahahah
302. we gotten in so much trouble w/ our parents from being on the computer so long
303. we've gotten used to all the words and BB codes while typing our posts/replies
304. we constantly forget what we're supposed to be doing b/c JLR is distracting us


haha today the funniest thing happened i was going to have toast, bacon, sausage, and eggs for breakfast so i opened the refridgerator to get the eggs out and like while i was reaching for them i started singing JLR's end song and i didn't even realized at first but then wen i put the eggs on the table i was like omg. hahahha INSTINCTS! haaha well i'm supposed to be writing a shakespear paper but i had to post the list up first haha