HAHAH that reminds me theres this guy selling his lil sisters girl scout cookies hahahhahah but i haven't bought any yet hahahha and wow thankx Van i save you and your saying that Starry's plan won't work on you but on me? :mellow: thats not right now. hahahahhahhahaha girl i love you hahahaDid I hear someone say girl scout Cookies??? I love girl scout cookies!!! That is funny I got girl scout cookies today from work. Starry, I guess your plan won't work on me but I'm sure it will work on GP. I love the thin mints one, it just melt in my mouth the way I melt in Harit arms.
I was tie to a tree standing under the hot jungle sun and rain, you only feed me cabbage and water. Oh... and all the bug bit!!!
Thanks to my Lovely GP, I escape from your torture... Hugs and kisses to you my GP!!!
^.. van, get ready for MORE DROOLING

you have just given me a heart attack. i was gasping so much i got lightheaded HAHHAHAH
hahahaha LALA!!! hehe i was thinkn bout singing it to haha save it for our JLR PARTY! KARAOKE O YEA! hahahahha i miss you so much!!!HAHAHA!
Well I did already.
Even though you didn't sing it and just hum it.
You sound great.
I think you should also sing it and post it up here.
Ah! Man.
I was going to come in here.
But then I knock out.
I need to stop doing that.
It's becomin a bad habit.
I can't believe I did that for like two straight days.
Aniwaise I can't wait to see your party invitation and you in Soriya clothes.
Miss you.
Wish GP could be with us right now!!!!
hehe of course i have so much to add to the list hahahahooh. i got another one for PRINCESS'S list .. we have a DROOLING club? ..
It sounds like Van, Moh, GP, AMi, Raiya,Prisna,Chenling,Starry, cecilia,LALA,Cikna, and the other jungle sisters.
haha it sounds??? no it IS us hahaha that is just too sweet!
I'll tell you where they are:
Remember my robots kidnapped GP out of the storm and tied her to a tree? Yeah, GP has no internet connection from there.
thats just too cute!! haha well GP has escaped! cuz im on the internet now! hahahhahahha
omg you ladies wouldn't believe how much i missed you girls!!! but i'm back now catching up!! ahhah girl where have you been? i haven't talked to you on AIM in like a week! i miss you! you need to get on! hhahaaGP hurry back missy we miss ya!
hehe o NOW you decide to come help me? when starry is away? no no no i went to help you and risked being hunted down and tied to trees for you! ahhahahahhahah LMAO hehe i'm running as fast as i can! hahahhaThis is the best time to go help GP since starry is at work right now.. Ok GP run off to school before starry get home from work and she will be hunting us both down.
I'm ok, alot of homework and projects to finish but sick right now because I stay up taking care of the TWIN, wake up early prepared breakfast for Harit (what a good wifey).
Van, I miss everyone here!
PRISNA! my lovely darling! where have you been? i missed you so much!!! come back! haha i told you i would help out w/ the twins when needed! ahhah
GP, guess you didn't take van's advice and run while I was at work, huh? I see you!!! *Tie you to a tree now*. LOL
LALA! MY DARLING! i miss you so much! i'm back now! i was catching up but i'm caught up now but i don't see you! come back!