omg..i have lots of guilt burning inside its not even funny!..
im guilty of doing the things im not supposed to be doing! like being on here at this time for example...
*i guess i dont feel guilty enough cause im still doing it?!!!

but anyways, i would say and do many hurtful things to others when im mad or just irritated *ok now everyone is gonna think im abusive which is not the case
..and i always regret saying after its been said. *but of course the damaged been done. i do apologized occassionally though..i hope it will somewhat make up emotionally, cause the physical pain does go away! *cause its the things you say that hurt the other persons more.

..that is one of the reason why i like to walk away & isolate myself, when the going gets tough!! after 30-60 mins, i will be good again. *my anger doesnt last long..holding grudges arent my thing neither.