Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
Just wanted to share my first JLR MV with all my sisters!!!!! enjoy!!!!
I love it chen!!! Fabulous~ you should make more! :)

For all my wonderful sisters...a new music vdo!


Big props to Breezelda for inspiring me and to Moh Moh for the encouragement!
Another great job Raiya! More sexy, dirty, hot Harit MVs!! More, more!!!

hmmm i'm not good at this...but i wanted to contribute something so here

if only i had a picture like this in my room :drool: i would never leave...but i have the real thing so yeah :lol:
Hey, how'd you get my framed photo of Aum from my nightstand? Those must have been some ninja skills you got there. LOL

A shout out to all JLR sisters!!!! Hope everyone's enjoying their Forbidden Kingdom weekend. We should all have our own Forbidden Kingdom Island (located next to JLR Island), with immortality elixirs so we can talk about JLR forever, and learn enough kungfu from Jet Li and Jackie Chan for when any sister has to go into hand to hand combat with the other (of course, training only, none of that real bone breaking, slicing, dicing kung fu on each other. *LOL* :)!!!)

Course, both islands are only accessible by JLR sisters or Harit & Soraya AND guests (by invitation only)!!!


Staff member
muahah. starry, that's freakin hilarious .. FORBIDDEN ISLAND .. i want VIP only .. I can watch as everyone learn kungfu and do their combat :p


sarNie Adult
hi5* .. Hi ELLEM .. haven't seen you for awhile :p

FORBIDDEN KINGDOM is good. all JLR sisters should go and watch it ..

hi cecilia! yeah...been busy for the weekends...anyway I would love too that's why I'm waiting till it will be shown here in our place...


sarNie Oldmaid
I love it chen!!! Fabulous~ you should make more! :)
Another great job Raiya! More sexy, dirty, hot Harit MVs!! More, more!!!
Hey, how'd you get my framed photo of Aum from my nightstand? Those must have been some ninja skills you got there. LOL

A shout out to all JLR sisters!!!! Hope everyone's enjoying their Forbidden Kingdom weekend. We should all have our own Forbidden Kingdom Island (located next to JLR Island), with immortality elixirs so we can talk about JLR forever, and learn enough kungfu from Jet Li and Jackie Chan for when any sister has to go into hand to hand combat with the other (of course, training only, none of that real bone breaking, slicing, dicing kung fu on each other. *LOL* :)!!!)

Course, both islands are only accessible by JLR sisters or Harit & Soraya AND guests (by invitation only)!!!
lol starry that frame is from your nightstand huh??? i will hang a picture just that like of umm on one of my walls or all 3-4 side so no matter what side im facing i will see his handsome face..oh i cant wait.. :p

LOL i love that idea...yesss..oh yea i will watch it..i just have to find the time after the concert..man i had some time today should of went to see it. *sighs.

hi ellem...how come youre not on msn??? hope to see you soon *ceci that means you too missy...see you everywhere else but msn... lol

LOVE YOU GIRLS! GN sleep tight!! dream of umm... yes dream of umm/harit/aum
everyone have a fantastic day tomorrow if i dont get to chat with you...big day tomorrow... *im very excited


anie's bb [c] D=
i was gone for a day or so and BAM 10+ pages, anyways, i got new gif of aum from LH...still upload atm.
I MISS MY SISTERS, what's everyone up too? or are you guys sleeping? hmm, maybe huh, it's so quiet right now. no fun spamming by myself!


sarNie Oldmaid
hi bau...see you later since im getting sleepy been online almost all day...well on and off...poor rahut beens online all day...

if i dont see you tomorrow have a wonderful day na ja!

i have a long day tomorrow..i might sleep in tomorrow to get my full strength for later in the evening lol


sarNie Granny
I love it chen!!! Fabulous~ you should make more! :)
Another great job Raiya! More sexy, dirty, hot Harit MVs!! More, more!!!
Hey, how'd you get my framed photo of Aum from my nightstand? Those must have been some ninja skills you got there. LOL

A shout out to all JLR sisters!!!! Hope everyone's enjoying their Forbidden Kingdom weekend. We should all have our own Forbidden Kingdom Island (located next to JLR Island), with immortality elixirs so we can talk about JLR forever, and learn enough kungfu from Jet Li and Jackie Chan for when any sister has to go into hand to hand combat with the other (of course, training only, none of that real bone breaking, slicing, dicing kung fu on each other. *LOL* :)!!!)

Course, both islands are only accessible by JLR sisters or Harit & Soraya AND guests (by invitation only)!!!
i didn't take it from your night stand...i came to me...ahahaha....and yes i was my ninja skills......
love the idea....my JLR kingdom ^^ but my kung fu will surpass everyone else's :lol:


sarNie Granny
i was gone for a day or so and BAM 10+ pages, anyways, i got new gif of aum from LH...still upload atm.
I MISS MY SISTERS, what's everyone up too? or are you guys sleeping? hmm, maybe huh, it's so quiet right now. no fun spamming by myself!
i missed you too bau......nothing much going on.....spam spam spam!!!


sarNie Granny
hi bau...see you later since im getting sleepy been online almost all day...well on and off...poor rahut beens online all day...
if i dont see you tomorrow have a wonderful day na ja!
i have a long day tomorrow..i might sleep in tomorrow to get my full strength for later in the evening lol
AMI have fun w/ NUM.....hugs & kisses....lmao been online all day....only when you are on^^



anie's bb [c] D=
k where are you now 98, i miss you girl.
right, here are the gifs:

Where are you jlr ladies? Come out come out where ever you are!

QUOTE no2:
Aww, I love you bau bau and you only. Don't listen to what the other jlr sisters say na. <---lol, yes he love me only!


sarNie Granny
k where are you now 98, i miss you girl.
right, here are the gifs:

Where are you jlr ladies? Come out come out where ever you are!

QUOTE no2:
Aww, I love you bau bau and you only. Don't listen to what the other jlr sisters say na. <---lol, yes he love me only!

i love them..he has short hair...so cute :lol: ...but you got one thing wrong....harit loves me only^^


anie's bb [c] D=
w/e 98...well, LOMHUAN and HARIT (08)<--lol got to make the year clear and AUM all love me only! and yeah, AUM was so cute in LomHuan. have you seen it yet? the lakorn was too cute.