Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
so i will update my prom pictures tomorrow/today if i remember...^^got to wait people..(stalling for time)


sarNie Granny
oh i forgot...i went to a buffet yesterday and there was this toy thingy....it was FAMILY GUY...so i put in 50 cents...and on my first try i got STEWIE, my master :yahoo: :clap: i was so happy^^


anie's bb [c] D=
YAY!!! *gives a round of applause for bau* Now if only sarN would come read that... :)

LOL moh and her SVU. Gosh, I haven't watched SVU in forever.
lmao, yes i also commented on her say you love me thread too...hopefully she see that her granddaugther need an update soon.


sarNie Granny
anonymous user....youuuuuuuuuuuu....trying to be sneaky but you are...i know who you are mauhahahaah


Staff member
yeah i schedule my day for GP...^^
you're hot wow...over here it's always cold and it rains all the time
SPAM "bam" QUEEN<--that's me heehee not GP..that's right^^
of course everyone fights....but i always win :p
okay^^ good night...sleep tight...sweet dreams....have fun sleeping....take care...have a super tomorrow^O^
talk to you later :kiss: :wub:
lol.. i havent slept yet.. maybe in a bit..


Staff member
i'm glad you join^^
happy b-day to your friend
you're going to only turn 16....awwww....YAY i'm a big sister...to you, sala, and bau....that means that i will protect you through thick and thin^^
lol.. awwwwwwe how sweet.. xp .. i sure do feel special..