Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


hehheheheh i wish i went to school w/ ya'l lmao since most of ya'll are a year or two ahead of me i would be in your class cuz in my classes they're full of sophmores and juniors and some seniors here and there =/ gah


lol...GP the jewerly maker.....awww...i really want to see it now.....so what's next GP^^ are you going to make clothes too...like soriya's^O^
LMAO that's so weird cuz i wore this dress thing to school and she's like wow did u make ur dress too? after she asked me if i was a jewerly maker lmao i was like ??????......... no............hahahhaha


:loool: coincidence everywhere in our lives...

ex) i ate strawberries @ school
i had a lime green sherbet
i always hear the word "BAM" so much everyday *not me but other people LOL
gah freakin a people just say everything lmao they prob. heard u saying it so they thought it was cool cuz i originally brought the word into ur vocabulary so that's why its so ahmazing LMAO wow that made no sense at all well. get the point lmao


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAT????????? How did I get to be #78!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was 10, but then happily became #1 (cause I'm my "-Um's" #1 lover :))......... and now I'm a #78??????????????????
I can totally see that happening. All of us hunting for ALL the strawberry stickers in the whole darn store. LOL

Hi too An. Welcome! :)
LMAO it was great we even split up so we could hunt them all lmao and they were more than strawberry stickers there werelike jungle animal stickers and like tree stickers or soemthing and JUNGLE green letter stickers for us to spell out JLR haahhahahh


yeah i did^^ sorry i wasn't on today...i'll make it up to you.....:kiss: spam bam is my thing^^...

oh GP i have a story to tell you.....it happened to me today....i feel so o_O and grrr....i need your help/advice...i'll tell you sat. okay.....i'm so blah....if i get off work early tomorrow i will tell you okay.....^^
GAH SATURDAY? gah thats too long hahahaha