Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


OMG FORGOT, muaha hey ATTENTION all sisters ...NEWS UPDATE FROM BAU BAU... please find ure name/group on my plant list:

BAU, RR, SALA - tap water
AMI, MOH, RAIYA - creek water
STARRY, VAN, LALA, PRISNA - distilled water
CIKNA, EL, AIKO, AN - bottled water
CECI, PZE, SARN, SARAH - mineral water

As i mentioned about a couple of days ago, im doing a plant experiment and testing out all the waters that i listed. instead of one plant, ive got five plants and named after all you sisters in groups (lol because i do not have 15 plants)...i will take picture of plants tomorrow for everyone to see na.

GAH! this works out ahmazingly i love you


I also thought about that yesterday...you really got confused with us...LOL....thanks my BAU! we're selling imported stuffs like towels,lotions,bedsheets and even clothes etc...dry goods... ;)

wow welcome to JLR thread AN! glad you're already here too...
I love it Sala! SPAM GANG! I miss you dearie :kiss:
i miss u to darling gah we need to actualy talk to each other this weekend lmao


MAE MOH KORNG BAU BAU. where have you been? god i havent been talking to the sisters on msn for two days now. BAU KIDTEUNG TOOK TOOK NA KA. im so busy with school i cant hardly go online anymore :(!
LMAO seeing BAU BAU reminds me of BOW BOW like from nang tard Bow lmao hahah i love you darling ill go name something after you lmao


AN, im half thai/cambodian. i think most of us are either half something whether it be hmong, cambodian or thai etc.
LMAO my basketball game, hmm better than last week...got 20 points at least :rolleyes: !

and i'm half thai and viet gaha but w/ all my sisters i'm like all the asian types lmao


maplestory addict xD
NO NO EVERYONE- THE PLANT STUFF AND NAMES ARE REAL. i got a biology assignment and five plants. so i named them after you guys, i probly get pictures for everyone today na.
hey, my sis ateam know, but yesterday i lost all of my lakorn...im like this :(<--- atm. i accidentally deleted the folder where i store all my lakorns and plus i cant recover it from my recycle bin too cause the windows popped up "the file is too big for the recycle bin...are you sure you want to permantly delete it" and i clicked yes without even looking :( :( :( x 1000
:( cheer up gal,maybe thing juz happen for a reason :unsure:

uhm i believe i'm number one darling ALWAYS cuz GP OWNS LIKE THAT
haha,mornin gp ^_^

uhm i believe we would die if they locked up to 100 pages lmao in this case we'd die 7X by now cuz its up to 700 hahahhaha well this weekend make it 8X cuz we gona SPAM BAM til 800 <3
well,thats hw sum forum works ya noe,sarnworld is pretty cool then! :lol:


OMG, I ALMOST FAINTED...from playing basketball. like im running up and down the court (cause most of my team mates sucks lol - it's the truth) x 100 and im like screaming at the top of my lungs at the same time for them to get down the court to defend lmao. at the end of the game i was like a freakin red TOMATO!
gah so athletic i'll pour that bucket of JUNGLE GREEN POWERADE on u =]


maplestory addict xD
WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? =P GAH wow ok then RR is :huh: hahaahahhahahhahahah
thats was why i asked whats the meaning of GP is :p
lol..finally someone understand my question

nah u came to late remmeber U WERE THE ONE THAT SAID "FIRST COME FIRST SERVE" so yea apply that here i saw An here first she's mine >=P hahahhaahhaha
gosh...im bein pulled frm one sista to another :wacko: