sarNie OldFart
in the preview it seem like kawee and leela had some kind of argument like pushing and shoving
LOL...what?ceeda I'm speechless
Sshh...I know! LOLgurl on pg 445 it all you lol
I don't think so because I'm in youtube now and there's no problem with it!sorry guys off topic...
is youtube server down?
im just wondering coz i can't even get into youtube...
yup i dont even bother to read every pagelol. this thread jump up big time.
lol. noo it's nottt...!NOY!! Yes, I am 3 whole years OLDER than you!!! That's a lot!
omg those tears! i was making a sad mv & had all these scenes of ken & ann & everybody else crying man it got me crying! of my favorite scene...when they were going to the ultrasound room and he kissed her hand. And then when they saw the baby...OH MY GAAAWD!!! I cried like a baby!
I am so touched by epi11!
omg, i'm in love with him! he has such a great voice! omg... faint...OMG!! I am totally 100% in love with that song now! So sweet. Didn't know he can sing this well! Dang, he's got the whole package!!! I would go to sleep soundly if someone sings to me like that! Ken officially has a special place in my heart!
lol. he was a jealous ass though! he was hottt... :drool:
Yeah...he was an ass in that lakorn too, but not close to Kavee. Kavee is the king of all JERKS!
aweee.. no way!!! i hope they don't do that! that is soo unfair! kawee already tortured her enough & now he wants to be that play to get game! come on!!!! it cuz Kavee & Lee try to make Narin jealous the old version dat what happen and Narin run away 1 last time LMAO
omg i know. seeing kawee cry... tears... i've never seen a man cry so much in a lakorn! the scene in epi 10 when kawee overheard narin talking to stomach & he started crying! sigh... tears.. i was just stunned by ken's capability as an actor. he has definitely made me love him even moreepisode 10 and 11 was one of the best episode for me since it first touching
that scene made me teary! or when kawee was talking to narin's stomach in the hospital room. he was all introducing himself :loool: & told the baby to behave because mommy wasn't feeling well. awweeeeee :wub:very true...when he was in the same room w/narin during the ultra sound snd he touch the monitor for his son tryn to make a connection aawwwww i was touched