Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
gahhhh haha another story...
kk this is a true story.
there were two neighbors that lived on either side of a big fence. on one side there was a mean vicious dog. the other side had a lovely cute rabbit w/ pretty long ears. the owners of the rabbit loved it so much they told the whole neighborhood that if something were to happen to their rabbit they were gona be in a shitload of trouble. so the owners of the rabbit go on a vacation and one nite the owners of the dog see that their dog has jumped over the fence. teh wife goes "oh dear. i see our dog chewing on their rabbit. go check." so the husband goes to check and sure enough the rabbit is dead. so he goes to the wife and says "we're in a shitload of trouble." so she goes "ok bring me the dead rabbit." so he goes and gets the rabbit and she washes the blood off and stuf and made the fur rele soft and pretty and she goes to the husband and says "ok tonite go across the fene and put it bak in the cage." so he does and puts the rabit in the cage. the next day the rabit owner comes bak and scratches his head and the dog owner is like heyy neighbor whats up. so the rabbit owner is like idk something seems weird. and the dog dude is like "what do u mean?" and the rabit dude goes "well, i'm trying to figure out how my rabit got bak in its cage." and the dog dude is ike "what do u mean?" and the rabit dude goes, "my rabbit died a week ago and i wonder how it got in its cage."
LMAO isn't that weird? gaha thats a good story LMAO ahahhaah yeaaa.....
lol super weird.....LOL


sarNie Granny
GP i super JLR love your list.....keeps getting bigger and awesomer <--is that a word...hmmm now we're making up words lol