Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


maplestory addict xD
no gp wont...her eyes are bleeding too ahahaha
no tap water rulesss x infinity
i will always save you^^
lol an you're too funny^^
r u sure im funiii...which part? :ph34r:

ahahahaha you better my awesome sister^^
yeah...i rock :dude:

the thing on JLR...so you go to old lakorn, the in the column that says replies...you click on the number across from JLR....(which is the biggest number) and then a window will pop up and so how much you and everyone posted on the it^^
im still blurrr..i tried searchin for that column..lol :wacko:

gasp...i wasn't here it help you..but i will call the ghostbusters now *GO JLR Ghostbusters......enter sarn and ceci ahahahaha....why is there only two...the others ran away ahahaha
we're the JLR GHOSTBUSTERS :arrg:

hmmmmmmmm maybe it's your stalker an ooooooOOOOoooOOOOoO
wooooo..i'm scared *run*

ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! it's getting toooooooo freaky
yesh...i noe!

hi an...how was your breakfast^^
it was soooo nice,i was eatin this

my grandma is the expert in doin tis


maplestory addict xD
so an did you catch the ghost
no...im scared now :lmao:

have no fear...i'm back on again.....for now....my family is just so needy lol
hehe...u noe..my mum 45..and dad is 46 years old...
n i got only one 13 year old sis..
the funny thing is..all of us r like siblings..
my parents luv to play wif us..
early in the mornin banging on the door..when me n my sis open the door...
they ran lol!

bbbbbbrrrrrrrrrr it's so cold in wisconsin......an are you warm^^
Its always summer in Malaysia..lol!


sarNie Granny
r u sure im funiii...which part? :ph34r:
yeah...i rock :dude:
im still blurrr..i tried searchin for that column..lol :wacko:
we're the JLR GHOSTBUSTERS :arrg:
wooooo..i'm scared *run*
yesh...i noe!
it was soooo nice,i was eatin this

my grandma is the expert in doin tis
of course who said you don't *tell me and i will beat them up okay^^
i will help you^^
who are you going to calll........GHOSTBUSTERS^^
don't run..i'm here^^
yum...hmmm i wonder if there's any strawberry cake left....i might want another piece


sarNie Granny
no...im scared now :lmao:
hehe...u noe..my mum 45..and dad is 46 years old...
n i got only one 13 year old sis..
the funny thing is..all of us r like siblings..
my parents luv to play wif us..
early in the mornin banging on the door..when me n my sis open the door...
they ran lol!
Its always summer in Malaysia..lol!
i think they're gone...but i might be wrong...ooohhhoh
ahahahahahah your parents are hilarious :loool:
lucky....wisconsin has crazy weather all the time....nonstop


maplestory addict xD
of course who said you don't *tell me and i will beat them up okay^^
i will help you^^
who are you going to calll........GHOSTBUSTERS^^
don't run..i'm here^^
yum...hmmm i wonder if there's any strawberry cake left....i might want another piece
everything?...oki then..i'm JLR joker :yahoo:

ur gonna beat them up..beware...JLR sistaz aint no normal gurl...we're jungle lady! :lol:

no more JLR ghost..phew~

wat time izzit there RR?


maplestory addict xD
i don't see the ghost anymore an...you can run back here now lol
yeah...i'm bak ^_^

hmmmmm so is it 12 pm over there now???? i'll still trying to figure out everyone's time zones^^
yeah..12.04pm nw..later at 1.20 i gotta go for my relative's wedding..cant stay here for long.. :(

for me it's 11:00 pm
owh...arent u sleepy :blink:

still can't seem to finish my lakorns.....i think like 4-5 of them ended already lol
yeah..me too!
u see..my officialy forst lakorn is JLR...so now im kinda new wif lakorn..
i;m watchin KKKJ..kaew tah pee..oum ruk..


maplestory addict xD
i think they're gone...but i might be wrong...ooohhhoh
ahahahahahah your parents are hilarious :loool:
lucky....wisconsin has crazy weather all the time....nonstop

my dad is the naughty one..
whenever we go up the stairs..
we hate being ahead of him..
all three of us often get poke...gosh..it hurts lol!
so usually..all three of us..super mama,super an..n super lil sis would form a group n poke him!
(my dad cant stand ticlingz) :loool:


sarNie Granny
yeah...i'm bak ^_^
yeah..12.04pm nw..later at 1.20 i gotta go for my relative's wedding..cant stay here for long.. :(
owh...arent u sleepy :blink:
yeah..me too!
u see..my officialy forst lakorn is JLR...so now im kinda new wif lakorn..
i;m watchin KKKJ..kaew tah pee..oum ruk..
that's okay...have fun at your relative's wedding^^aww are you going to be in it or just attend
no it's too cold to sleep right now
YES...the behind club^^
JLR makes so many people addicted
i love watching them...especially kaew tah pee i heart tik