Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
omg...LMAO i do not want to drive a freakin car again. jk, im usin my dad's phone atm so i cant stay for long. thank everyone for worryin about me. I'll be back on tues or wed. An, muaha im glad the sms went through. well anyways about the accident, i was drivin with my mum right on the highway when i had to merge right cause the left land was endin. then that stupid car wont let me merge in so i went of the road for about 50 metres.


anie's bb [c] D=
yeah and then when i went merge into the road again after that car sent me of the road...another car comes straight at my bumper at about 100km/hr and i swerb and again i went off the road for the second time...talk about bad luck, almost two accident in about one minute! I was like shakin and im like mum, im not drivin ever again lmao. Alright i miss every one, i'll talk to you's on tues or wed. Hugs and kisses.


sarNie Adult


sarNie Adult
yeah and then when i went merge into the road again after that car sent me of the road...another car comes straight at my bumper at about 100km/hr and i swerb and again i went off the road for the second time...talk about bad luck, almost two accident in about one minute! I was like shakin and im like mum, im not drivin ever again lmao. Alright i miss every one, i'll talk to you's on tues or wed. Hugs and kisses.

gosh sometimes driving is that scary too...maybe that's why even though I know how to drive my father won't let me...LOL! Hugs and kisses back at you my BAU!


sarNie Adult
Hi Moh! when I'm about to sleep last night you're already here and now it's afternoon in my time...you're still here...wow! have you got some sleep? :lol: :wub: :kiss:


sarNie Adult
lol..i only took a little nap.
took my nap at 5:30am and got up at 7:00am (saturday) been up the whole day and now its sunday 1:00am. hahaha
i've been watching all sorts of things. se7en...krit....thai dramas...EVERYTHING.


sarNie Adult
yeah..we r in the same team el!

awww...yeah miss u too..juz came bak frm a family gatherin..mum's side..
i was usin this Aum pic as my wallpaper..

n i showed to my aunty whos over 40 yrs old(she's mad over tv like me!)
so..thanks to my JLR fever...i told her the sinopsis of the lakorn..
n she was like "Cool!" haha... :lol:

btw,its 1am here..gotta sleep lolzzz

nitey nite all~
yeah! wow...that's awesome...I hope your aunt will watch JLR too...LOL!

awwww i really miss talking to you...i'll make it up to you okay^^
Hugs and Kisses for my dearie :wub: :kiss:

i had a lot of good food.....ice cream cake, and a strawberry cake YUMMm made my day
yum! I love strawberry cake and strawberry ice cream too!

ahahahahaha that's so funny....you have a super funny family...all my family does is fart around each other lol
my father does that too and it stinks :ph34r: :lol:


sarNie Adult
lol..i only took a little nap.
took my nap at 5:30am and got up at 7:00am (saturday) been up the whole day and now its sunday 1:00am. hahaha
i've been watching all sorts of things. se7en...krit....thai dramas...EVERYTHING.

omg! only 2 and a half hours of sleep...I remember I did that too when I was in college...I'm so addicted to asian dramas so after doing my homeworks I watched then followed by just little nap then off to school! LOL


maplestory addict xD
i had fun talking to you....sorry i always had to leave and stuff...i'll make sure next time i won't do that a lot
aww...its ok..i'll be on 24/7..as long im not in uni yet..haha..

i won't hopefully
i'm not sure but maybe it means like younger "sister"
ahahahahah..silent but deadly lol
i know...the purse just disappeared..maybe bai liked it so he took it since he was the driver
i thought so too...but that's the magic of lakorns...makes you wonder lol
"the magic of lakorn" lol
the thread on "you know u r watchin lakorn when..."
is really2 hilarious lol..i salute the one who opened the thread!

yep..my sister got mad b/c my dad said she is like our mom instead of him....and that i was his fav. daughter.....he was joking yet she took it so seriously...i sense a thai lakorn lol
no AUM is totally mine..now and forever
whoa...like u always said.."ITAS A FANFIC MATERIAL!" :lol:

ok...i will be safe...we don't want that....and it's wisconsin....not a lot of people here^^
bye an....i'll get some sleep later^^
ok,nite nite gurl ;)

omg...LMAO i do not want to drive a freakin car again. jk, im usin my dad's phone atm so i cant stay for long. thank everyone for worryin about me. I'll be back on tues or wed. An, muaha im glad the sms went through. well anyways about the accident, i was drivin with my mum right on the highway when i had to merge right cause the left land was endin. then that stupid car wont let me merge in so i went of the road for about 50 metres.
yeah,do sms me wif ur hp number too..and be careful!...u freak me ou wif ur sms lol...

yeah and then when i went merge into the road again after that car sent me of the road...another car comes straight at my bumper at about 100km/hr and i swerb and again i went off the road for the second time...talk about bad luck, almost two accident in about one minute! I was like shakin and im like mum, im not drivin ever again lmao. Alright i miss every one, i'll talk to you's on tues or wed. Hugs and kisses.
whoa...how was ur mum?

yeah! wow...that's awesome...I hope your aunt will watch JLR too...LOL!
Hugs and Kisses for my dearie :wub: :kiss:
yum! I love strawberry cake and strawberry ice cream too!
my father does that too and it stinks :ph34r: :lol:
haha..i watch through the net while she's not really the com type..hope they'll air it here..
cos previously,there's this indonesian drama which was such a hit here..
n they invited all the stars to our famous carnival..
i wish Aum,Aff n the rest will come!

hi An! I see you...how was your day?
it was ok,juz came bak frm my cousin's wedding~


sarNie Adult
that's good AN! so you'll be there at the carnival?
me too...how I wish I could see AUM & AFF personally...
are you the bridesmaid at your cousin's wedding?


maplestory addict xD
that's good AN! so you'll be there at the carnival?
me too...how I wish I could see AUM & AFF personally...
are you the bridesmaid at your cousin's wedding?
it was last year...yeah,i went there..so many ppl lol!
i was standing right in front!
one thing here..once the drama is popular..our local tv station
will invite the stars..like last time..there was one philipine drama..
"pangako sa yo" by jericho..so now he's in Malaysia..filming with our local actress
how cool is tat???So i pray hard so that JLR will be airing here..
then i can see Aum n Aff lol!


maplestory addict xD
lol..so into talkin bout hopin AUm n Aff here..forget to mention..
nope..im not the bridesamaid..but we go in a gang..to support our relative...the male side


sarNie Adult
it was last year...yeah,i went there..so many ppl lol!
i was standing right in front!
one thing here..once the drama is popular..our local tv station
will invite the stars..like last time..there was one philipine drama..
"pangako sa yo" by jericho..so now he's in Malaysia..filming with our local actress
how cool is tat???So i pray hard so that JLR will be airing here..
then i can see Aum n Aff lol!

wow! awesome....so have you seen jericho rosales in person? yeah I also heard about the news that he's making a drama with a malaysian actress, Carmen Soo right? what other dramas of jericho rosales have you seen? Hmmm yeah! as for me there are no lakorns yet shown in our local tv so there's so slim chance of seeing AUM & AFF unless I'll go to thailand...LOL!