Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


maplestory addict xD

thanks for the link AN! I'll be watching this one....okay sure take care! talk to you later... :wub: :kiss:
yeah..hope you enjoy it as much as i did :lol:
all malaysian drama got english sub so its easy..haha

An, wanna ask what is the meaning of manja lara?
actually the name of the drama was confusin at first.
Manja is the name of the lead actress in the drama
in malay language, Manja means pampered and cute ^_^
on the meaning of Lara..u will know it once u watch the drama later :lol:

where are my sisters?
i'm here!where r u?


sarNie Granny
hey an....sorry i fell asleep when i came back....except my sister kept complaining about what my dad said...so then i didn't get enough sleep....now i am awake....


sarNie Granny
omg...LMAO i do not want to drive a freakin car again. jk, im usin my dad's phone atm so i cant stay for long. thank everyone for worryin about me. I'll be back on tues or wed. An, muaha im glad the sms went through. well anyways about the accident, i was drivin with my mum right on the highway when i had to merge right cause the left land was endin. then that stupid car wont let me merge in so i went of the road for about 50 metres.
i am just so happy that you are okay...do you want me to beat up anyone for you...i will fly over there ^^


maplestory addict xD
hey an....sorry i fell asleep when i came back....except my sister kept complaining about what my dad said...so then i didn't get enough sleep....now i am awake....
lol..she's still not over it :huh:
its ok, ellem was here the whole time chattin wif me...
i even recommended her one cool malay drama wif english sub..
hope she will watch it lol :p

its almost 11pm here so yeah,im goin to sleep soon, ;)


sarNie Granny
lol..i only took a little nap.
took my nap at 5:30am and got up at 7:00am (saturday) been up the whole day and now its sunday 1:00am. hahaha
i've been watching all sorts of things. se7en...krit....thai dramas...EVERYTHING.
wow and you're not tired...only a 2-1/2 hour nap.........well that's what happens when you are in love, you just don't want to sleep lol


sarNie Granny
yeah! wow...that's awesome...I hope your aunt will watch JLR too...LOL!
Hugs and Kisses for my dearie :wub: :kiss:
yum! I love strawberry cake and strawberry ice cream too!
my father does that too and it stinks :ph34r: :lol:
yay....hope your aunt watches it too...but remind her that aum is mine
hugs and kisses
me too....love eating them
lol...my dad farts and blames everyone else lol


sarNie Granny
aww...its ok..i'll be on 24/7..as long im not in uni yet..haha..
"the magic of lakorn" lol
the thread on "you know u r watchin lakorn when..."
is really2 hilarious lol..i salute the one who opened the thread!
whoa...like u always said.."ITAS A FANFIC MATERIAL!" :lol:
ok,nite nite gurl ;)
yeah,do sms me wif ur hp number too..and be careful!...u freak me ou wif ur sms lol...
whoa...how was ur mum?
haha..i watch through the net while she's not really the com type..hope they'll air it here..
cos previously,there's this indonesian drama which was such a hit here..
n they invited all the stars to our famous carnival..
i wish Aum,Aff n the rest will come!
it was ok,juz came bak frm my cousin's wedding~
lakorns all the way....^^


sarNie Granny
Hi ellem!! I see you too. Apa kabar, an? I'm not having fun with my dial up! internet is very slow for me. i think i need to get broadband soon!!
hello....awww i missed you...sorry about your internet


sarNie Granny
lol..she's still not over it :huh:
its ok, ellem was here the whole time chattin wif me...
i even recommended her one cool malay drama wif english sub..
hope she will watch it lol :p

its almost 11pm here so yeah,im goin to sleep soon, ;)
nope....complained for like 2 hours....but i fell asleep while she was talking ooops
that's good....at least you weren't alone with the JLR ghost
OOoooOOO nice^^

awwwwww......i should have gone on faster but i i was so tired......well i'll try to catch you later^^ have a good night^^
this reminds me of a backstreet boys song....incomplete..."i'm awake when my world is half asleep.." lol^^