Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
sala:...lmfao, that picture with all the bottle water and what you and some other sisters considered to be "SEX" is actually "EXES"...didnt you guys see the "E" on the end..plus, you were reading it upside down too lmao.

EDIT: since this is the first post on this page...for my team mates SALA AND RR...TAP WATER RULES X INFINITY


anie's bb [c] D=
yep, finally caught up...man i got panda eyes and plus i have basketball today too...it's like 7:30am now. gtg to school soon.


sarNie Oldmaid
omg JLR is still going and im glad cuz im like still
obsessed with this lakorn all this time.. aum is just toooooooo


anie's bb [c] D=
I WILL MISS YOU...DONT SPAM TOO MUCH WHILE IM GONE, when im back from school im always 10 pages behind lol.


anie's bb [c] D=
omg JLR is still going and im glad cuz im like still
obsessed with this lakorn all this time.. aum is just toooooooo
hi there jen...yes this thread is still going. muaha, yes aum is cute but his mine jk lol.


anie's bb [c] D=
kk done with the signature fixing...lol if you guys ever forget the group that your in check my signature of detail...same with the jlr soccer team jersey no.'s.


anie's bb [c] D=
bye na everyone, i dont know if im coming online this arvo...probably tired from b-ball plus i have a massive load of assisgnements to do. from now on i can only probably spam in the morning ONLY..if i do wake up early. cause i got to consentrate on school from now on...:(


anie's bb [c] D=
oooh, i last thing...MR ATICHART CAME ONLINE AT ATC YESTERDAY, wed 7th @ 2pm australian time...too bad i missed him again! lol, he posted that he was trying to use the ATC chat thingy but it would let him loggin or something.


anie's bb [c] D=
okay, bye na everyone...gees nowadays im always late for school! if i dont see all of you this arvo, i will try to come online maybe friday. I WILL MISS ALL OF YOU.


Staff member
it's all bias vote. i'll wait for the real result.
Bau, have fun ^^


sarNie Oldmaid
lol, is it a good or bad thing that i missed this h20 warzone!?

:( :( really bau?? Umm was online???...Moh we missed him again!!!! :eek: :eek: i wanted to ask him bout his ring LMAO * i hope i wasnt still awake when he got on!!! but then again i had a headache and wasnt feeling too good anyways... :(

...what time was it converted into Pacific time zone...lol im still not use to this time zone stuff!


maplestory addict xD
Girls... I have to tell you about my dreams last night. I had like 4 different dreams, but I only remember 2.

The first one~ I was planning to meet ceci in real life. But something happened and we couldn't meet. So I went to hang out at my uncle's house and my other aunt's two brothers were there too. (I don't even really know them and they live in Cali in real life.) Anyways, there was a girl that was dating one of the brothers. But she and I were washing dishes together in the kitchen...

All the sudden, she turns to me and says: "Hey, are you starry from sarnworld?" I said I was. Then I asked, "Are you ceci from sarnworld?" She said "Yes!!!!!" LOL... then I said: "Wow, you're really young. I'm shocked. I thought you would be a little bit older." Hee hee... she was like 16 years old in my dream. If I remember correctly, ceci is a little older in real life.
Then we finished the dishes and went to watched thai dubbed chinese dramas in the living room with everyone else...

Huh... my head's totally making up faces for people in my sleep here!!!!!!
lol...wait till ceci read it..sooooo hilarious! :lol:

i think its like that everywhere else...in the U.S. some drama stars are in movies...like grey anatomy's Patrick Dempsey. In other Asian countries its like that too...japan, korea...thailand...so i guess showbiz runs the same way everywhere its just that its different ppl from different countries. being a celeb, you just gotta find work for yourself.
yeah..i guess so...life's hard for them huh.....not.

Hey, tap water rules...leave us (sala, 98, bau) alone lol...the reason why us three are tap water is cause the tap water is the "controlled" plant. all the other are just testing plants lol. huh, take that.

lmao, who to blame on for the spamming...*thinking...argh ding* points finger to the following ppl: RR, SALA, AIKO!!!<---baubau is hunting all of you down.
yeah..juz keep pointin at them bau...me and cikna..we're innocent ;)

tsk, didnt i tell you to not spam that much while i was gone.^
they remembered..trust me....i was here all along :p

and today i have basketball too...god, if the coach ask *blame it on the sisters*!
hey..dont blame me :huh:


and whoa, you noe the replies you spammers (you know who you are)...some of them are just like one word replies *hits head* lol
*shaking head to rr,gp and aiko* -_-


maplestory addict xD
sala:...lmfao, that picture with all the bottle water and what you and some other sisters considered to be "SEX" is actually "EXES"...didnt you guys see the "E" on the end..plus, you were reading it upside down too lmao.

EDIT: since this is the first post on this page...for my team mates SALA AND RR...TAP WATER RULES X INFINITY
lol..didnt realize...wakaka..gp fault..wakaka

im fixing up my siggy for the water team then im going.
lol..cant see the creek team..lol

lol sisters, there this new thread comparing JLR VS SB again...lol being bias i voted all the things that has to do with jlr and ateam, but they are still behind, by a lot....go vote for jlr: http://www.sarnworld.com/discuzz/index.php?showtopic=26338
ahhh..how can SB beat JLR...come on...our Ateam chemistry was way better...
eventhough i like SB but i'm not being bias u see..

SB = too many R scene = doesnt make any sense in some parts = JLR rulez!

LMAO, the pictures of the "water war" is making me laugh so badly. sisters, you know it's just my biology experiment right. 555+!!!
oh is it?hehehehe...

AN, omg that was hilious...shall we offical call this "WAR OF BUA'S BIO PROJECT" <-- (lmao from war of the worlds) or aka 'BAU'S JLR WATER WATER WAR' or shorter "water war"!!!
yeah...lol..u wana call it BUA?hehe...

hey, i noticed that my name got mentioned alot while i was gone...glad to know that you all missed me :wub:! i love you all na my jlr sisters.
of coz gurl!