Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
HI CIKNA, so i replied so late...was backtracking through the jungles of posts (again).
VAN, URE LEAVING. MY HEART JUST BROKE INTO PIECES...*SNIFF SNIFF* sala and starry, i need some tissues too!
You need more than a tissue, you need a box. *hands box of tissue to bau*

wow. welcome the addictive jlr sisters ..
we are still addict to it .. some are trying hard to withdraw but fail to do it. :p

good evening to all sisters. got back from SPEED RACER movie, it was a blast. RAIN'S hot.

hope to be online one of these days with y'all sisters since now that some are withdrawing slowly. lol
Ceci~ I'm gonna try to take my little sis to see Speed Racer this weekend. I don't care if all the critics gave it bad reviews~ I never trust their opinion anyways.

I'm sad your withdrawing too... just don't do it so abruptly like vansanee. Else the million pieces of my heart will break into billion pieces. :(


sarNie Granny
did you know jesse mccarthney co-wrote bleeding love....lol i'm listening to it right now...no wonder lame-o