In the past there were two very different twins who did not get along. One was the nice and pretty one by the name of Mootha, who was gullible to the outside world. All Tha knew was to do was making her pretty and win little beauty pageants. The other was the smart and strong Moonin. Moonin was very much unladylike as a child and her parents even feared that no guy would ever be interested in her. At that time Mootha was the center of attention being that she was pretty, obedient, and was bringing recognition to them. Moonin mostly hangs around with guys and was quite jealous of all the attention Mootha received whereas she doesn’t. There was nothing cute of pleasing about her at all. However, when both girls are all grown up now, everything was different. Tha became the neglected one and Nin was the praised one. This all happened because of the one accident Tha burned the kitchen because she was preoccupied conversing with a guy. Tha was punished with a beating for the first time making her fear being around guys. Because she wasn’t around guys much, she doesn’t know the tricks and manipulation of guys. Their family was poor at the time and their parents didn’t know how they were going to rebuild the kitchen. That’s where Nin came in and informed them that she had some money saved from tutoring kids and sports. Nin was now the loved one.
At this time, Tha had some education from Thailand and she wanted to go off on her own and put when she has learned into good use. Nin was still in America getting her masters degree. She was also working to save up some more money. Tha then moves to city and begin working. She lived alone at an apartment and was surrounded by different supporting women. At work, she became fast friends with the ladies working there, and also Veekit, who developed some type of feelings for her. Tha however felt nothing more but friendship towards him. She looked towards Veekit’s uncle, Janepop, who was also the manager of the building. Pop was known for his playboy nature and always sleeping around with willing girls. Tha caught his eyes immediately from the moment he saw her.
Tha fell for his charm and committed adultery with him. Everything was going fine, but there was one thing wrong with their relationship. Pop was a married man with 3 children of his own. Nappa, Pop’s jealous wife, made Tha’s life miserable. She slapped her in front of people, hired a guy to steal her money, and even sent someone to rape her. No matter how hard her life is, Tha still stayed and suffered the pain and humiliation because she loved Pop with all her heart and she believe Pop felt the same way. This went on until Tha got pregnant with Pop. However, one day Tha overheard Pop conversing with wife about Tha. Pop assured Nappa that Tha meant nothing to him. Hearing this devastated Tha so she decided to return back home.
When she got home her mother rubbed in her face that she knew Tha was unable to survive in the city long. Tha was also informed Nin would be back in Thailand in a few days. Tha didn’t want to face her sister just yet. Later she her heard that one of her friend return back home and she wanted to pay a visit. When she got there she received an unexpected welcome. She soon found out from her parent that her friend was pregnant without a husband, which is a disgrace in the Thai society and culture. Her mother also added that it would be humiliating if one of her daughter would do such a thing. Tha felt uneasy at the moment. She wanted to explain that she was also expecting a child without a father.
The following day, Tha tried pleasing her parents and told them that she couldn’t do more for them. That night, Tha finally decided to end her life by committing suicide. The same night, Nin came back and was the first to discover Tha who hung herself. Tha was rushed to the hospital and her family prayed that she would be all right. Tha was already dead and the truth behind her death anger Nin. Nin also found out that Tha was not the only person the family had lost; they had also lost a grandchild, which Tha conceive with a man unknown yet by the family.
Nin was sad that her sister would do such a thing. She became curious about what happened to her sister in the city and what was the reason her sister decided to take her life to the end. Soon she went to the city where her sister lived, portraying the character of her sister. On her first day, the ladies in the apartment was suspicious, wondering why Tha did not have her own keys, she didn’t know her room, and the fact that she just looks like a totally new person. Nin got to know everyone at the building a lot better. She also went to straighten her hair to look more naturally like Tha. She also went through some of Tha’s things to learn a little more of Tha’s life.
Nin as Tha meets Veekit for the first time, which was happy to see Tha back. Nin Liked Veekit’s attitude and personality and became quick friend with him. She was wondering why Tha didn’t choose him. The day when Nin went to work as Tha, all eyes were on her. There were gossiping going on, people giggling, and starring. Veekit tried his best to make Tha feel welcome and avoid having Tha hearing the rumors.
Soon she meets Veekit, who was happy to see Tha back. Nin liked Veekit’s attitude and personality and was wondering with her sister didn’t choose him instead. The two became quick friend, though Veekit thought the person was Tha. The day Nin went to work, all eyes were on her. There was whispering and giggling, and making fun. Veekit tried his hardest to make Tha feel welcome and avoid having Tha meet with those who constantly gossips. However, Tha did not let anyone look down upon her and showed them what she got.
Soon she met with Pop and eyed him strangely. Pop was more than glad to see Tha. Little did he know that she had other things in mind rather than what him and Tha had been doing in the past. Pop tried many times to get close to Tha but Nin always found a way to stay away from him. She also got closer to Veekit to tick Pop off. News of Tha’s return soon reached the ears of Nappa, from her ‘faithful’ sister and two other workers at Pop’s work. Nappa didn’t waste anytime to try to embarrass Tha again. She appeared at work and cursed at Tha. However surprisingly this time, she was returned with some insults of her own. When Nappa couldn’t hold it in any longer, she took a swing at Tha but Tha this time was able to protect herself. Tha then started swinging herself, and Nappa fell down the stairs.
After that incident, Tha quitted her job and begin working at as the head manager of a computer company. People were wondering where she got all her money from and figured that Pop must being keeping her as his mistress. Veekit still stayed as her friend and he became the most important person in her life. She thought of him relentlessly and the love for him cultivated. But everything was ruined when she continued on with her revenge. She used every chance she was able to get to corrupt Pop’s family. As this was going on, Pop and Nappa’s family seem to be growing father apart. Their daughter fell in love with an older man who likes to abuse the girls he slept with. Their son turned gay and became more feminine. Their youngest daughter was exposed to all these negative things and started speaking in a bad manner.
When Nin stopped distressing them for awhile, she spent more time with Veekit. In one incident, the same man who raped Tha appeared at the parking lot of Nin’s new apartment. He got hold of Nin but luckily Veekit appeared in time to save her, but he got hurt himself. He spent the night at Nin’s house and the next day, they spent the whole day together. At the end of the day, Veekit couldn't hold his feelings in any longer and asked to see Tha as more than friends. But Tha replied telling him that he doesn't know what he's saying and that she's not who he thinks she really is. Her reply struck a hard blow to Veekit's heart. He didn't think it would hurt so much, being that he got rejected by her before.
Nin still persistent with her revenge and Veekit misunderstood her during a beach party where Pop and his family were vacationing. Not knowing Veekit was standing right there with a mask on, Nin exposed that Veekit was only a pawn in her game. She had used him all along to get what she wanted. After hearing those words, Veekit revealed himself; he was mad and trashed Tha faultily. Tears started to swell up Nin's eyes but she tried to keep a straight face. She announced that now she and Veekit will be rivals.
The event that took place devastated Nin. She never intended to hurt Veekit in anyway. The one thing she feared has came true, but she had to continue seeking her revenge. Also that night, Nappa fainted and had to recover in the hospital. She felt betrayed and hurt, not wanting to trust her husband again. Their family situations grew worst and the family distance themselves from one another. Seeing that Tha didn't stop messing Veekit’s uncle, Pop’s family, he begins following Tha around. He saw her go into a hotel with her boss and thought that she was sleeping around with guys.
One night, Veekit paid Tha a visit. A guy was there with her discussing business but Veekit jealousy took his mind in thinking the man and Tha had commit sexual feelings. After the guy left the two disputed. Veekit was not thinking right and he ended up raping Tha. The next day, Nin was in tears the following morning. She couldn't believe the one guy she loved and trusted would do such a thing to her. Veekit woke up feeling bad himself. He tried talking to Tha but was asked to leave and never to show his face to her again. He did as she said, thinking it was probably for the best. After that night, Veekit had a feeling that Tha is not the same person he had known. He had second thought that the person he slept with was not Tha at all, for some reason he felt she was pure and that she was still a virgin before he slept her. Veekit then thought back to all the times that Nin had repeatedly mention that she was not who he thinks she is. He blamed himself for being so dim-witted. Veekit tried to apologize many times but Nin refused to talk to him saying he's not the same Veekit she knew.
Soon Nin came to an understanding with herself. After seeing Nappa in the hospital and not seeing the point for revenge anymore, Nin decided to bring to a close on her revenge. She finally realized that the image she thought was Tha telling her to get retribution was actually herself who felt remorseful for what she had done. Nin had been pushing herself to do all those things without knowing it. After she figured out everything, Nin decided to see Pop for the last time and say her farewell. By that time, Nappa was already out of the hospital and her sister brought her the news of Pop and Nin's meeting.
At the restaurant, Pop and Nin exchanged their goodbyes but Nappa showed up with a gun. Nappa ended up falling down the stairs after the struggle with the gun. Nappa had to go to the hospital once again. This was where Nappa's sister disclosed she was the one who planned many of the meetings with Pop and Nin. She hated her sister and envied the worship and attention Nappa got from their mom. While she was confessing everything, the microphone was on outside and everybody heard them including Pop and Nappa's mother. The mother was furious and told her to leave her sight.
It was almost 100 days since Tha had decease so they were going to burn her soon. Nin took some time off work to go back home for the occasion. Veekit soon finds out Nin went back home, so he went after her not knowing the true cause why she went back. Upon arriving at Nin's house, with the help of Tha and Nin's childhood friend, Veekit received an expected inhospitable salutation. Nin took Veekit to go see Tha and this was when he finally learned of Tha's fate. He then called Pop and asked that he shows up for the ceremony. The news stunned and sadden Pop as well, because he loved Tha. Pop told his wife and she was willing to forgive and disregard their past tribulations.
Nin sent an invitation to all the workers that Tha was close to. Some showed up to show their last respects to Tha. When they went back, with the help of Nin's friend and her boss, Veekit was finally able to get Nin to absolve him. He got on his knees in front of everybody and Nin couldn't help but smile at all of his effort. In the end, Veekit promised Nin that he will take care of her and make her happy the rest of her life.