Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
MUAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHH *evil laugh* donna is going to be in my group cause every other group has four members already, only the TAP team that doesnt have four members, so far it's just me, 98 and sala...and now donna is in the TAP group.
hmmm nevermind lol.. hahaha im still in bottled team muahahaha xp lol.. we rule lol..

edit.. oh yea owned..


Staff member
69 is already taken? it's fine...96 is fine then!! like 9 and 6 are really shy that's why they're not facing each other! :loool: :p
hahaha this makes me thinks of this joke... y is 6 afraid of 7 .. bcuz 7 8 9 lol.. xp .. hahhaa .. i luv u donna.. xp..


maplestory addict xD
hmmm nevermind lol.. hahaha im still in bottled team muahahaha xp lol.. we rule lol..
we ruleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

hahaha oh heck yea.. we're at it again lol.. hahaha muahahahahaha BOTTLED TEAM RULEZ .. n
wakaka...yeah...kick that too!!!

hahaha kekeke u mean continued lol.. hahaha .. go botlle..

hahaha loving this An xp ..
oh,i noe...u love me -_-


Staff member
ok...gonna stop spammin for the mean time...im re-watching jlr while doing my fanfic...so nite nite to all my sisters

kisses to bau,el,donna,rr,aiko,gp,ceci,moh,kak ana n the otherz!
kekeke... i cant wait to rewatch it lol...kekekke .. hahaha ... ***muahz.. kisses returned to u too**


Staff member

LMAO haha remember that one story i told u how i was waiting for my science teacher to get in class and he had a sign on the door that said ULTIMATE FEVER CATCH IT! lmao hahaha well he's the coach for our school's new frisbee team or something and they have tournaments and stuff or w/e so today like randomly while we were taking notes i'm like Mr. French can i have that sign on ur door? and he's like sure, if you come play w/ us tomara and i'm like ....psht me play frisbee........nah...........LMAO ahhahah so he gets up and he has like 3 diff. signs for the frisbee thing and this one was the last of the 3 and i'm like OH YEAAA hahahahh so yea he let me have it and wen class was over i was like thanx for the sign! and he's like what did u need it for? and i'm like for my JLR FEVER! LMAO and i ran out hahahahah oh well i love him gaha he's BAM AHMAZING lmao and everyday on the announcements they're like JOIN THE FEVER! lmao hahahhahha talkin bout the frisbee game haha that's whats good see i got it for ya'll ^^
hahaha i luv ur surprise xp lol..

k hehe well i remembered some haha lmao ok so on saturday i went to costco w/ kevin and dad and since graduation is commin up there was a table to order cakes or somehting and i went over there to look and theres like this 2008 confetti thing on the table and there were like green ones and silver, blue, gold, w/e lmao so then i was like OMG! JLR JUNGLE GREEN 2008! lmao so i stole a green one hahahahhaha and then yesterday mom took us to get gas and i went bak and i stole another green one and 2 blue ones hahahhah and i put the three in my pocket of my dress shirt or something and then i washed it and i was like *%^*&%*&$*$*#^! lmao cuz it was in the washer now i just put it in the dryer so lets see if they're safe ahahahha
hahaha u washed them lol..xp .. hmmm hope they're safe..

hehe for my mom's mother day present i got her 2 dozen roses and a chocolate chip cookie cake thing hahaha she wants a watch tho so i have to go take her shopping gah i haven't been shopping in a while
how cute.. lol..xp..

hahhaa i didn't realize how many JLR stickers i have and i keep on buying more hahahah whoops well its worth it hahah
they r super kute xp lol.. hahahha they r worth it lol..


Staff member
gah ok i remember some facts now haaha
to keep roses longer you put in 1/2 water and 1/2 sprite/mountain dew yeap yeap
omg for realz??

and i learned that if u overcharge ur laptop or ur phone it like kills ur battery like if u keep ur laptop charged all day and w/o the cord like if u just brought it around it would prob. last u a good 2 hours-2 1/2 hours but if ur battery is screwed up from overcharging it would only be good for about a 1hour- hour 1/2 so yea same w/ ur phones
this is true.. my phone battery is like dyiong on me... cant even last a day no more .. eeeek..

AND SURPRISE NUMBA 2! ur gona love this
luv it sala ..

gah oh yeaa today Kevin and dad moved the JLR CHICKS to the big coop kevin said they got rele big lmao hahahhahahha i'll vdotape for ya'll don't worry
cant wait to see lol..xp..