Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie OldFart
hi bunso...how's the eye check up?
hi ate julz...the eye check up was bad!! my eyesight got worse!! I have to wear my glasses all the time now... <_<

ok..bye all...kinda tired...the weather here in Malaysia is very hot n plus the haze..my body couldnt take it..havin sore-throat now which it think would end up becoming fever lol...okay,bye all...an luvs everyone equally...do sms me if ur bored =]
get well soon, an! :kiss:

this one is for my JLR sisters! all of you belong to my heart....
(my voice! :lol:)

ate julz is singing?!?! I have to hear this!!!! ^_^


anie's bb [c] D=
lol donna, spamming by ureself...im here but it's like 11.30pm, i was just dropping by...kk gn and have fun spamming.


anie's bb [c] D=
oopies, donna i forgot to add you on my siggy...remind me to do it tomorrow.