Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
u noe...my sis gt this one teacher she hate n her hair is like afro...so she n her frenz called the teach HRG(hantu rambut gerbang a.k.a Huge Afro head ghost!)LOL!
yeah...we're wicked!
kak ana's nephew's son^^
eternal hawtness all the wayyyyyyyyy
OMG..Jesse McCartney - Leavin is so hawtttt!
hahahaha .. huge afro head ghost :loool: .. i am totally wicked xp lol.. j/k .. yup .. found out it is cikna's nephew.. yup eternal hotness ...


Staff member
i luv my elephant too..lol
i pray for the ring..pray for rice or sumthin like tat lol
erm..dont noe whther i will like the pairin but i'll be luvin Aff though!
lol...u bully ppl nw?
hahaha steals ur elephant.. **whistles** .. hahaha ... hmmm the pairing seems okay-ish .. love aff .. n ken seems good next to aff .. but of course still ateam. .. xp.. i bully ppl?? ummm no not eversince elementary hahaha .. i was a kid back then lol..


Staff member
lol..im kinda blurr nw lol...
it will be fine kak ana! ;)
awww...yeah...1000 will bau's n 969 will be gp's ^_^
hahaha...i gave her the link to this forum adi..maybe she'll join us soon...
yeah...getting hyper annoyed lol
yeah..paris thinks that she pretty..NOT!
she like got 10 INCH of make-up on her face <_<
hahaha...do i eat a lot..lol
im the jester lol...NOT!
owh..almost made it gurl!
hahaha...take ur time =]
y u blurr?? hahaha yup gp owned pg 969 xp lol.. hahaha hopefully ur sis will .. i know so much makeup paris puts on.. hahhaha ur the jester .. hahhaha tight xp ..


Staff member
hey hey hey!!! :(, howcome i see rome and rita named RTEAM now??? and gosh ken and anne KATEAM???... ___TEAM [copyrighted] whatever is not allowed to to be use for other couples except for our ATEAM...muaha it's been copyrighted by me & ceci as the admins of ATEAMforum! so rome n rita could be called R COUPLE w/e but not RTEAM kk?
hahahaahha oooooooppsss sorry bau bau ..


Staff member
k, i know it funny...lmao im quoting my self...but anyways, i thought this was funny how i put aiko as the prince lmao...cause im the princess already so that's why aiko is the prince lmao.

hahaahhaha omg bau ur so fnny hahaha .. love u though.. haha im the "PRINCE" haaha xp..


Staff member
AHEM TAP WATER RULES...btw, i forgot to tell everyone that currently CREEK team are in the lead. it's the tallest atm!
hahaha never bottled team will.... n wat creek water is winning??? hmmm .. wat is the secret.. must search for answers y creek is winning lol.. xp .. j/k..


Staff member
that's it...im gonna to hunt down a new phone. any suggestion, i wanted that LG shine fone but then my friend said it's not good.
hahaha hmm wat service r u bau bau .. so i can help u hunt lol..xp ..


Staff member
gosh, i havent seen you in days too. where have you been sarah? everyone is hiding from me these days or what...in the past couple of days i only seen el and an on the jlr thread.
hahaha sorry bau .. ive been gettin kicked off lately xp .. :loool:


Staff member
an, have you heard my voice yet...i wanna hear your's...wait, here's an idea...everyone record their voices!
hahaha omg great idea but hmmm my voice is so crappy :loool: hahaa xp lol.. hmmm is it .. u galz will have to find out xp ..


Staff member
WHAT? no i give them all the same amoung if not the experiment will stuff up...tsk tsk aiko! so im fair with all of them...i measure the water first before i give it to them. BUT IN THE END TAP WILL WIN.
hahhaha **winks winks** sure hahaha xp lol.. j/k ... in the end it will be bottled team lol..


Staff member
ahem lovey, 98 is not the only one that spams alot....let me introduce you to the spamming royality: there's me bau - the princess, aiko - the prince (aiko prince sounds kinda funny cause ure a girl, maybe you be queen no2) <--lmao, sala - the queen, and 98 (rr) - the king (lmao that's funny too cause rr is a girl but anyways)
hahahaha im the prine of the royalty spammers lol.. i luv my royalty family xp ... oh yea lol..hahahaha ... hahaha i'll stick with prince xp .. because i am a tom boy-ish gal lol.. which is changing more to a gurly-gal lol..xp ... :loool:


Staff member
lmao this is too funny, on the simpson's just then marge just said "one day a week"...reminds me of sarn's fanfict "one night a week"
hahhahaha .. i've seen that ep too .. my cousin has it n i was like thinkin in my head** kekeke .. sarn's fanfic** hahahaa xp .. :loool:


Staff member
lol aiko...*super hug aiko back* it's okay girl, im subbing it for all my non-thai speaker sisters. but to tell you the truth, i hate hate hate translating aum's part, it kinda hard...muaha yes i noe im complaining again!
hahahha awwwwwe bau bau .. must be super hard huh?? ... dont worry i'll cheer for u .. ks.. **go go go go go go go go ** fighting fighting... ** hahah ... but i bet aum played that role good though lol..xp..