Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
woah, i just got here and im alreading owning a page. *bow down to the princess of spam (lmao i dun want to say king because that's 98 and queen is sala so im the princess and aiko is the prince lmao)
k, i know it funny...lmao im quoting my self...but anyways, i thought this was funny how i put aiko as the prince lmao...cause im the princess already so that's why aiko is the prince lmao.


maplestory addict xD
hey, what did i say again...if i dont get the 1000th page i'll migrate to the BGST thread right?
whoa...ur serious? :huh:

ooo, i own this page and AN...i see you! let's spam to get to page 696 lmao!
haha..own it dear ;)
lets spam!
AHEM TAP WATER RULES...btw, i forgot to tell everyone that currently CREEK team are in the lead. it's the tallest atm!
oh no...creek team?


anie's bb [c] D=
bau2 is leavin...even when we didnt want to kick her out...lol..
ellem..help me..take bau2...lets chain her up in harit's cottage...fast!
ahem, did i read anything wrong...it's it you how kicked me out :)...muaha but if i knew harit was there i VOLUNTEER to stay!


maplestory addict xD
lol...u misunderstand dear..the "x" means not/dont/never..i often use "x" as those 3 word when i chat in forum/msn/sms..lol


maplestory addict xD
yeah it's me...the wireless thing that connects to the router doesnt work right now...i need my bro to fix it up for me, right now im using my bro's laptop...
i know hw u feel...during my form 4 i think..i got this same problem and i cant go online for about 3 months...i was like going crazy!