Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


maplestory addict xD
i will try my bez to update either tonite or tomorrow...
im actually scared on hw to continue...i mean Soriya is havin leukimia bt dont noe...ayoo..lol...


sarNie OldFart
i will try my bez to update either tonite or tomorrow...
im actually scared on hw to continue...i mean Soriya is havin leukimia bt dont noe...ayoo..lol...
I'll be waiting for it... ^_^ but I really really really hope you won't kill Soriya... sad endings just makes me....sad...hahaha


hey hey hey!!! :(, howcome i see rome and rita named RTEAM now??? and gosh ken and anne KATEAM???... ___TEAM [copyrighted] whatever is not allowed to to be use for other couples except for our ATEAM...muaha it's been copyrighted by me & ceci as the admins of ATEAMforum! so rome n rita could be called R COUPLE w/e but not RTEAM kk?
that's what i said