haha ur such a clutz.. xp .. kekke.. love u my deary khun ying sala..oh my dear i mite have a dream about me owning next page
edit .. i own..
haha ur such a clutz.. xp .. kekke.. love u my deary khun ying sala..oh my dear i mite have a dream about me owning next page
i shall have more surprises for you soon
oooo i cant wait..haha ya'lls memorial day surprise
man moh and ami prob. partyed hard last nite lmao
ahem, so im jaofar prankster baubau?lol.. yup yup.. the prankster muahaha is jaofar baubau xp lol..
yep! :loool: how did we even get to those subject i wonder? lmao.THESE GIRLS GET IT TOOO SOM VERY FUNNY TOPICS!
*ahem cough cough* what about jaofar *cough* baubau...lolprince aiko superbly love her sis khun ying sala super much xp..
they're probly partying full on by now.lol.. i bet they r lol..xp.. jlr rockstars n droppin like its hot too i bet lol..xp... j/k.. love ami n moh keke..
aww thank princy aiko.omg jaofar baubau .. i so love it ... eeeeeek im so jealous of u galz who know how to use ps T_T.. argh i will learn one day n learn how to make mvs too lol..xp.. i so love the banner.. keke.. imma take it jaofar baubau .. ks.. xp..
naruk mark mark :wub:aff is so narak ..xp ..
haha sowwy sala.. i cant give u one cause i need one .. ugh iono y i feel so weak n sore these past few days .. argh.. xp lol..hahahah wow my back rele rele hurts wheres my aiko at lmao
hahaha gget some "STRAWBERRY" FLAVORED ICE CREAM.. xp lol..i want some ice cream but then again not rele lmao
really aikoie? awww, btw i see you now...what time is it?T_T .. i hope so too.. hmm. .. i guess i'll just have to wake up early like around 3 or 4 am in the morning (my time) so i can catch u bau n the others xp lol.. like last time .. xp.. love u super much..
haha omg naughty naughty jaofar baubau..lol..xp..hehe and my english short story is due! i umm, 'sorta' started...
haha i know.. everyday i get on i'll be like.. hmm i thought we migrated already lmao xp .. keke we just love this thead too much lol..xp.. kekke lol.. u galz can see me like in lots of threads lol.. keke.. spammin lol..keke ..gosh in this rate, we're so going to past the 1100 mark in the next couple of days...i know we said we're going to go to BGST, but i still spam here.
:loool: .. omg .. i love u two.. xp lol..uhm i believe u put 12:20 PM so.......yes throws coconut at Bau or maybe i was hallucinating or just inferring lmao hahah throws another coconut at bau for throwing one at me!
thank you starry...lmao elie and her cute engineers :loool:Very nice baubau!!!
Let me know if you see any cute engineering guys~ save the cutest one for me!! J/K!![]()
*puts hand up* starry when you send over the surprise do send me over some snow...ty...hehe jk.LOL.. I just realized I had so many grammer and typing errors in my story about the inside out shirt. Typing too fast I guess.
Want me to mail you some snow? It might be all melted though... hmm.. not such a good idea. (At least you know it's not snow I'm gonna be mailing everyone. LOL)
god you and ure 69.hehee ima get my SIXTY NINE today
lol that's a weird dream indeed.omg i just remembered i had a dream about u donna last nite lmao hahaha like i don't even kno what happened but i was on SW or something and it was Z0321 or Z0123 or w/e and then me and then u (hanjieun30) and i posted this huge post that said HEY DONNA! GAWD I NEVER CATCH U ONLINE WOO or something ahhahhahahah it was pretty freakin sweet hehehe don't you feel special heheh love you lotz darling
ty sala...'racer' that's a new movie?oh my damn that is HAWT hehehe it reminds me of the Racer movie or w/e its called hahaha even tho i haven't seen it yet it reminds me of the comercials lmao
starry surprise...dun know what it is but she's so secretive.what surprise lmao
hey i just finished just then...i rushed it so it pretty bad...the draft is dued tomorrow so i just finish for the sake of it and then imma add in a few more stuff...hehe i know im bad.haha omg naughty naughty jaofar baubau..lol..xp..
haha this is sad.. imma be a junior after the summer who is gonna retake alg 2.. hmm i guess it was my fault for slackin off.. keke it was because i joined sports n jus got lazy of that class.. aiyaiyai..ahah exams......ahem i can study for them monday LMAO hahahha and the exam is on tuesday ghahahhahahhha whoops it can wait gawd ur worse than me i have to get straight As man but damn these junior/senior classes i'm taking are freakin hard as ______________ u fil in the blank LMAO and i'm a freshman gawd hahaha
wow that's a cool idea.ooo engineering now u can design our jungle house to fit all the sisters LMAO
damn i need to PM you back too...hehehmm i still need to PM bau back hahaha
there is such thing??? lol.? lmao how is my heart small too? gawd i love ya'll so much man i think my heart has pumping disorders cuz its so full of love LMAO
hahha im so sorry jaofar baubau.. i just came bac from chior practice a few hours ago n now im catchin up..xp .lol..gosh now where is aiko and 98 - hehe the 'royal family' never comes on at the same time.
hahaha wow im bein called everywhere .. xp lol..**prince aiko to the rescue** xp lol.. i love u galz..xp..Hmmm... I think me screaming "Prince Aiko, fix this for me!!!" will make my coworkers think I'm even more weirder. LOL!!!!! (Maybe I'll go scream it outside during my lunch.)
Wha ha ha... that's too funny sala.
lmao, yep you have the prince...this is mine "screw it let king 98 fix it for jaofar baubau" :loool:lmao if it was like me i'd be like screw it or PRINCE AIKO FIX THIS FOR ME! lmao
the only thing i can help you with there is play piano...and for the excercising stuff, you need to come play netball or b-ball with me.for this summer my major projects i wana do are
*learn to play piano and/or violin
*go swimming
i think those are my main ones rite now hhahaha
hahaha oh so u havnt sent it yet.. okay lol.. haha i was about to sent u my addy too lol..xp..keke but i shall wait ..Sala, I haven't sent a pm yet. Cause if I did, I wouldn't leave out my dear sala!!!!!!!!!!!
Bau's just hopping up and down over there cause she wants me to send my pm with instructions out already. LMAO. I already got her address pm to me already~ pze send me her addy too... everyone's seems sooo ready for it.Think I have to hurry up with this surprise... (I'm trying, I'm trying!!! I can't go any faster...)
hehe was i even there at the time?bau help me spam another page
me...you know the drillbau how are u doing
so i was here huh?hahah i see bau posting now