hahaha oh yes .. the jlr fever burns xp lol.. ahaha i know.. the sellers always have to say it's good but sometimes its not argh lol..xp.. kekke.. ooooo one of aum's movie .. yay.. thanks ceci.. i love u super much...xp..^you're hilarious..
i totally agree. why can't they just have some ppl who have better skill do them cover.
it would have draw more attention to the viewer.
ah, i also forget to mention something.
so yup, i ask them to try the lakorn on
while it's playing .. there were a bunch of girls and talking about JLR too. in front of me. i'm just like.. awe, they have JLR FEVER ..
the funny part was that i let the booth owner tell me the story and she keeps saying, THIS IS A REALLY REALLY GOOD LAKORN, no DISAPPOINTMENT. :wub:
Sadly, i have to walk away after this.
ah, fewa is the movie that um atichart did in the HIMALAYA. something like that .. here's a quick glance at the mv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Vi66cF7tA
lol. no biggie we sis alwaise join in lol..xp ... keke.. haha u have the same amount left kool.. but sadly imma miss my senior friends.. they leavin a week b4 me .. ahhhhhhhhhh.. haha dr. harit is nice too keke.. but we also have DR. RR n DR. DANG here too lmao ..xp.. kekeke..Nice word, That's actually a spanish word meaning "little girls" HAHA LOL. It's still cute too, but I like the way u interperate it better. XD
I'll wil definitely respond to that Bau. I think it's cute too. I've to thanks the person who made it up.![]()
WOW sis nice word. We need to make a dictionary of JLR terms. LOL
LOL. Btw i got a monkey from Bush Gardens and it's like green blue (aqua) i think. I name it Gayu if u don't mind. Hopefully we can share the name.Yeah sis good luck naming all ur monkeys make sure it's a guy monkey though. LOL
I live near it. And cheesecake it's so delicious. Sorry Sala and Aiko had to joy this convo love chessecake. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!! They are so good.
I've the same amount as u. We can dwell on this together LOL.
That's interesting pic LOL. It looks painful. Dr. Harit is on his way LOL (he can help with enotional support) HAHA LOL.
i know.. they'll def.. be more.. muahaha xp..Need more lakorn of Aff and Aum LOL. O cna't wait
hahaha im the spam queen xp lol.. howd i get from prince aiko to queen aiko xp lol.. hahahha lol..j/k.. xp .. lol.. theres not really anithing to learn.. u just needta spam lol..xp ..keke n type in random stuffs lol..xp .. thats wat i do kekeke..WOW Aiko and Sala u guys are spamming queen. Always have stuff to talk about time to learn from u![]()
lol.. hahaha dont worry ceci .. i just passed that part about him xp lol..^we have dr. Harith now? ..
i must really miss alot of not going through them many pages :loool:
hahaha no arisoya is actually created from the otha sis keke.. i jus love it too much lol..xp .. keke.. i think i said aricy lol..xp keke.. ari + icy = aricy lol..xp..Aiko, I like my name Arisoya (hope i spell it right) hehe. Ur good at giving names.
dont worry ari.. its not just u .. that happens to me too lol..xp .. im jus super busy lately.. n hmmmm yea.. lol.. xp.. im here now my dear.. but ur not .. T_T..O man when i'm on people are usually not onEither i don't have a life other than JLR or I always have bad timing. Feel so lonely here
Where are my JLR sis.
lol.. its fine aricy ..xp ..Wow! Just notice how many posts i have not that many. Goodnes gotta get working. HEHE
hmmm so its june 25 or 26 ?? lol..happy early bday ..YAY my b-day is a month from today. OMG can''t wait.
lol.. awwwe ur so sweet.. xp keke.. haha dont woory gp will know..lmao xp .. keke i see u did spam for me.... n lots too lol..xp.. haha i so love u my deary aricy xp..Nice Aricy hehe I like it. I love all the names you call me. Because it's from u LOL. I think the bracelets is sponsor by Sala even though she doesn't know it yet hehe LOL
Luv u too
I will spam queen don't worry spammin buddy
Luv u more hehe LOL
haha i know i wanna rewatch it too lol..xp .. but darn got all these finals too argh ..All this JLR environment makes me want to watch JLR again. But cursed these end of the year hw and projects![]()
ur gonna go soon.. awwe gonna miss u dearly.. **hugs** i cant wait for ur stories ..xp..Can't wait to go to Thailand in like a month. OMG AHHH!!!!!! Going to have so much and going to have stories to tell my JLR sisters. hehe. But i'm going to miss all my JLR sisters.
haha lol.. when i joined the jlr sis .. i was so scared n nervous xp lol.. but they welcomed me in so nicely.. i so love all my lovely jlr sistaz .. xp lol..O yeah just realized i should intro myself to the other JLr sisters who doesn't know me. I'm Arisa and i'm new here (i think u guys can tell)LOL. My nickname is icy or ari up to u whatever u want to call me.I want to get to know all the Jlr sisters, so i'll be waiting for ur replies. SO glad to be here everybody is so nice
(a warm welcome family)
lol.. awwwe u think they're scary?? i think they r super fun lol.. haha i so wanna ride them again xp ..keke.. they're super fun..Rollercoaster not fun scary even Omg my heart drop........
lol.. hahaha jus make sure they dont throw us the bad bananas xp lol.. yea they r indeed kute keke.. im also a monkey keke born in the year 1992 muahaha xp .. imma monkie xp lol..I want a monkey like Gayu. He'll be so cute and feed him bananas. AHHHH!!!!!!Monkeys are so cute.
yea.. sala's list is too long for us to catch up.. she has so many to list like each week..This is crazy we are on page 1083 HAHA. But not even close to Sala's list yet. HEHE
ur glass??O yeah did i mention I rode one of the rollercoaster and my glass fell apart. terrible, but I got it fixs.