Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
wow the 'ie's' are in here again...HI ANIE AND ELIE...just from a break of doing assignment - been doing math assignment for like 4hrs now *my eyes are bleeding atm lol*...imma go take and shower and then continue with physics...:(


sarNie Adult
wow the 'ie's' are in here again...HI ANIE AND ELIE...just from a break of doing assignment - been doing math assignment for like 4hrs now *my eyes are bleeding atm lol*...imma go take and shower and then continue with physics...:(

yeah we're here! good luck in your physics hw...better rest first my bau...


sarNie Adult
ooo engineering now u can design our jungle house to fit all the sisters LMAO
for that let me ask our engineer and architect...lol

hehheeh nice view all around LMAO
you bet! LOL!

i'm good darling how bout u? i miss u and love you lotz!
I'm also good...sometimes tired from work but I'm enjoying...miss yah and remember I :wub: YOU!

wow so JLR!


sarNie Adult


maplestory addict xD
heya el!

wow the 'ie's' are in here again...HI ANIE AND ELIE...just from a break of doing assignment - been doing math assignment for like 4hrs now *my eyes are bleeding atm lol*...imma go take and shower and then continue with physics...:(
haha...we r u "ie" now..lol...cute!
awww....take sum rest dear...
im really exhausted after hours n hours driving bak...
i wana sleep but cant sleep...arghhhh

yay! we love AN!
:lol: you will be the first one to know here when I see a cutie....LOL
I am mostly at my work so it's not like before that I'm always here...work is okay...
lol...i love u girls too!


sarNie Adult
T_T .. i hope so too.. hmm. .. i guess i'll just have to wake up early like around 3 or 4 am in the morning (my time) so i can catch u bau n the others xp lol.. like last time .. xp.. love u super much..
now that I'm working I really don't have the usual time I'm here...I just get on if I have time...

kekeke administrative assistant xp lol.. ooooo an aa .. ateam worker lol.. j/k.. wow interestin.. ooo engineering department too ... wow..
like it huh! ATEAM WORKER...lol...yeah is that interesting? hey are you interested to the department or with the engineers? :lol:

yup i love rivermaya even though i dont understand most of there songs.. i still listen to them n love it xp lol.. haha but i super love 241 214 n balison the most xp .. keke.. prob because i understand it lol..xp.. lol..
yeah I kinda like 214 too...I'll try to translate the other song soon...please bear with me...I'll try to do it as soon as possible

:loool: .. i was readin this n was like huh?? but then i thought n knew rite away lmao .. xp lol.. hahahaha .. u crack me up ellem.. love u .. keke.. im still laughin atm keke..
:lol: I love yah AIKO!


anie's bb [c] D=
wow this is interesting...cant believe im in fifth place atm...*ahuh it's only cause i have heaps of h/w - im going to catch up soon after this term is over*

Grudgeprincess 2978
rahut-rissaya 2692
xlilanimeanjox 2024
cecilia 1176
SethT 1112
sarN 936
ellem 893
cutefuzzy 838
amikrazie 773
Prisna 754


maplestory addict xD
hey did i ever post this up yet:

^this one for the ATEAMforum comp^

oh yep btw (gosh nearly forgot), ATEAMforum banner + avy comp...you sisters should join :D
so the avvy n banner muz be at that size?cool!
i will try to participate ya bau ^_^

wow this is interesting...cant believe im in fifth place atm...*ahuh it's only cause i have heaps of h/w - im going to catch up soon after this term is over*

how do u see that...erm...curious..but lol..at least im in the top 10 list..lol


anie's bb [c] D=
so the avvy n banner muz be at that size?cool!
i will try to participate ya bau ^_^
how do u see that...erm...curious..but lol..at least im in the top 10 list..lol
nah, the rules of the comp are at ATEAM...check it out. and to see the no. of post ppl make...hmm hard to explain, let me SC it for you...and is elie gone?


sarNie Adult
heya el!
haha...we r u "ie" now..lol...cute!
awww....take sum rest dear...
im really exhausted after hours n hours driving bak...
i wana sleep but cant sleep...arghhhh
lol...i love u girls too!
just finished my dinner...how about you AN? awww...are you tired? get some rest for now...love yah too


anie's bb [c] D=
muaha anie i sorta 'wrote' on the pic instead of typing cause i wanted to show you my writing (actually i dont really write like that it's cause of the mouse lol so it's kinda retarted), i hope you can get the point though :D :



maplestory addict xD
nah, the rules of the comp are at ATEAM...check it out. and to see the no. of post ppl make...hmm hard to explain, let me SC it for you...and is elie gone?
oh..okay..will check it out later...SC will be great..but pls do it when ur free..u gt tons og h/w righ?

just finished my dinner...how about you AN? awww...are you tired? get some rest for now...love yah too
havent ate my dinner yet...hungry plus tired..lol


maplestory addict xD
muaha anie i sorta 'wrote' on the pic instead of typing cause i wanted to show you my writing (actually i dont really write like that it's cause of the mouse lol so it's kinda retarted), i hope you can get the point though :D :

oh..juz like that..thanks again dear ^_^