Aww Fang is ubber cute. I wish she gets to be nang aek more.more behind scene pix. yay, i hope it really does replace the next fri-sun slot! is the whole lakorn taken place in chieng mai?
credit to sirpass @ yardthipclib
Thanks for the pics tinah. Yard doesn't look Thai. She has a typical biracial American look. >.< eeh I'm generalizing! If they remake maniyardfah. I think Yard's looks suit jao ying. >.< Not a fan. But she has potential in the princess look-a-like, yard look gorgeous in the wedding dress. what is she doing in the bath tub lol. im thinking this should be airing soon
credit to
I like the way they dress Fang in here. Long hair suits her.more behind scene pix. yay, i hope it really does replace the next fri-sun slot! is the whole lakorn taken place in chieng mai?
credit to sirpass @ yardthipclib