Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
Guess what sisters? I just finished watching Sawan Bieng...

I never wanted to see it cuz I'm not a big Ann fan, and I didn't even know who Ken was before this, but, I was bored, so I watched it...Talk about being similar to JLR...But Kawee was a bigger jerk than Harit could ever be...and after watching it, I realized I'm an even bigger JLR fan, and how grateful I am that the Aum and AFf version exists...I'm gonna dissect the lakorns, cuz there's some things I noticed about it...

First off, Harit was hell-bent on revenge to a woman that clearly deserved it, but grabbed the wrong woman, and ended up falling in love with her...

Kawee got pissed at Lee, so he grabbed Narin to mess with to get back at her sister...that didn't make sense to me...He grabbed an innocent girl to rape over and over just because her sister was crazy...which she clearly was, slapping herself and all...He knew what he was doing it, to who, and why

Harit, at times would feel bad because he felt she wasn't the woman he thought she was, as soon as he found out who she was, he totally changed, treated her better, expressed his feelings for her and such...While I was watching the scenes where Kawee was mistreating Narin, I was like, "I'd rather be trapped on the island with Harit"...

And I understood how Kawee could fall in love with Narin, and how she could change him and such...and I could understand how Narin could fall in love with the new and improved Kawee...but, I liked that Harit and Soraya fell in love with each other at the same time, practically, because even after he raped her, she wasn't mad at him for very long...I liked that you could see them slowly developing feelings for each other...

I mean, Ken is one handsome dude, especially in Ruk Nee Hua Jai Rao Jong, which I'm currently watching...and I'm looking forward to Jai Rao with Aff...

But the whole time I admired him, I was like, "He's no Aum..."

Which he isn't, of course...but it's funny that these two couples switched partners, both men played angry, violent, and vengeful men...and both women played tortured prisoners...at least the storyline will change...

But hands down, Ken played the most evil, meanest, jerk I've ever watched in a lakorn...and he was the P'ek, which was kind of interesting...but when he had his sad moments, those were heart wrenching...I had never seen any P'ek cry so much and as believable as Ken did...I'm still in awe of his performance...

All in all, Sawan Bieng lived up to it's hype...But I'm a JLR lover for life!!!
lol.. sadly i havent seen the whole thing yet .. kekeke i was so busy T_T.. maybe soon i hope kekekeke.. yea i have to say ken was great in there so far.. kekekeke .. yup jlr.. kekekeke ... keke i cant wait to rewatch jlr.. kekeke ..


Staff member
like 4 episodes mannn^^ freakin ahmazing lmao i had to iron a shitload of mom's clothes and i was like JLR TIME! hahahah surprising ididn't burn nething
lol.. hahaha darn u already rewatchin xp lol.. imma rewatch soon xp lol.. muahahhaha its good u didnt burn anything YET.. xp lol...


Staff member
ahhaha it was so funy cuz Harith says to Soriya "since you've tried every way to escape and failed try flying like in fairytales, can you fly, cuz go ahead and fly" LMAO hahahhaha wow that was great
awwwwe .. damn makin me wanna watch it now argh.. soon i shall.. soon..


Staff member
=[ =[ i can't believe i leave in like 3 days! gah i have to copy and paste my Mae SarN's fanfic to microsoft so i can read on the drive there hahaa
omg.. u leavin ?? to where.. ahhhhh .. wait hmm to NC rite?? hmm im wrong i think xp lol.. hahahaaha .. damn i gotta start sarn's fic im so behind.. wahhhhhhhhhhhhh..


Staff member
love your review so! ^_^

me too...I'd rather be on an island with Harit... :drool:

you know why soraya didn't get mad for a long time when harit raped her?? :rolleyes:
it's because she secretly wanted to rape HARIT too!!! just joking!!!
:loool: :loool:
lmao.. omg donna.. naughty u xp .. kekekekeke... **coughcough** whistles..


Staff member
why is it that you're on when we're not? i know now, that in order to catch anyone on, i'd have to be on at 7 or 8 in the morning over here in california
lol.. gurl that applies to me too xp lol.. hahahhaha .. hmmm but i usually sleep durin those times lmao kekke i only once able to catch cikna ellem n bau in the mornin once kekeke.. but i usually cath them though .. xp.. lol..


Staff member
Thanks...I agree with the reason why Soraya wasn't mad at Harit...I mean, who wouldn't? Right? I know I would, and forget the joking. Haha...

But yeah, if Soraya didn't have some kind of feeling for Harit, she wouldn't have been able to talk to him later on, and let him tease her about being his wife when they were still on the island...If she was disgusted by it then she would have expressed it, but on some level, she didn't mind it...Granted, no one wants that to happen to them...but in lakorns, the N'eks always love the P'eks, and it is only their stubbornness preventing them from actually having that kind of intimacy with the man they love...the guys just take it into their own hands, and no one gets mad because they wanted it to happen, but didn't want to do anything about it...

Don't get me wrong, rape is bad...but lakorn-wise, between a P'ek and N'ek, it's always a good thing...because usually they love each other, or fall in love with each other...it's a little twisted, but that's how lakorns roll I guess
omg.. AGREED ..


Staff member
Throughout the whole SB show, i did feel like that .. alot of similiarity and i most agree, KAWEE is just pure evil. i would never ever forgive him after all those forceful 4x with dumb lame excuse .. but oh well. if narin fall for him. she fall for him. Lol .. i like SB but i love JLR .. i like your insight on the whole two lakorn. give other ppl a clue that JLR sisters are open mind as well. it's not all about JLR VS SB until someone make it that case :lol:
i agree. lakorn are lakorn .. r is okay unless it got excessive to point of being dumb -- i think having one is good but multiple when n'ek say no is just wrong.
your comments remind me of TWO NIGHTS A WEEK fiction .. there was sugar with the blender while making them smoothies :loool: and so is HARITH/SORIYA :wub:
omg.. ceci ..... noooooooooooooooo i havent read it yet.. ahhhhhhh .. but damn wtheck was that used for..gosh i gotta read it xp lol.. kekekkeke ...


Staff member
wow im ranked 33 atm on sarnworld's most post list ......... im surprise!!!
lol.. 33 .. wow .. im baredly 12 .. that took like a lot of time just to get there xp lol.. i remember i was like way way .. far away but then bam .. pg 2 .. n then 1 .. n then kept movin every single day xp lol.. but not animore.. lmao.. hahahaha ..


Staff member
oh gosh, tomorrow i have a maths test...like sala would say, "I HOPE THE MATH TEST DOESNT RAPE ME, I RATHER RAPE IT lmao"
hahahah i love sala's sayings xp lol.. sadly i got super RAPED by my math test for the final.. "F" .. kekkee i knew it was gonna be bad n i was rite.. T_T..


Staff member
oh yeah, gosh random but yesterday i download 50 thai ost song ... some of them are really good, like yuthaharn and maifa ... gosh im in love with mafia tee ruk ost!!!
damn gurl .. 50 .. lol.. i dont download much animore.. kekkeke.. lol.. maifa <---- xp lol... kekkee i still gotta watch tose 2 lakorns.. kekekke ..


Staff member
yea, i remember now ... gosh everyone go watch the new borisud clip ... it's so freaking hot ... our aummie boy like pushing ann onto a wall and there's like hardly any spaces between them :lmao:
i havent seen it but i will soon..