no havent seen or heard it T_T..oh what's this song right ... *goes to check* oh, anyone heard love of siam ost ... i have it on right now - and it's a good song too!
no havent seen or heard it T_T..oh what's this song right ... *goes to check* oh, anyone heard love of siam ost ... i have it on right now - and it's a good song too!
ugh that was annoyin i was surprised i finished it .. xp .. kekekke i have to say tik was .... but kekeke i liked ace in there.. such a good friend xp .. kekeke i still like tik but not like i love aum kekeke .. muahahahhaha .. u galz can def have tik lol..yeah, muahaha KTP is pretty good ... i like their bed scenes, it's cute ... the only thing though is that there's too much misunderstanding - that pissed me of a little while i was watching the lakorn!
ugh that was annoyin i was surprised i finished it .. xp .. kekekke i have to say tik was .... but kekeke i liked ace in there.. such a good friend xp .. kekeke i still like tik but not like i love aum kekeke .. muahahahhaha .. u galz can def have tik lol..
lol.. i still gotta watch taht xp lol..bye going to *cough* study *cough* ....................or maybe watch mart, rita, rome, noon lakorn lmao - i'll wake up early tomorrow and study muahahahahah
lol.. i 4got there names already xp .. kkkekekkee hmm will i ever rewatch this?? hmm its a maybe.. JLR.. HECK YEA xp lol.. hahahhaha..oh, i hated kaew tah pee too...stupid chisanu, he's the one that married nathlada, then he's not gonna trust about being blind...he's blind in his heart as well...i wish he was deaf instead...he was so mean to nathlada...jerkface tik!!!!
okies..grr... :angry: wanna watch ruk ter took wan, but my little brother is being a jerk...and i'm not the computer with no sound...i miss now i'm gonna watch ken stare at women the way aum would...
i'm gonna go start a thread in the thai section, i'll give you the link when i'm done, so you can put your two cents in
omg.. wat r u tellin me.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. is it from a fic?? if it is.. im behind in everythin .. lmao..a tiger named SORAYA gave birth to 3 baby cubs!! I bet mommy tiger Soraya would name one of her cubs ARISOYA!!![]()
i agree too ..xp .. kekekke.. hmm ryan needs to act in some more lakorns xp .. kekkekeke..I totally agree. SB had it's moments too... but too much evilness occured that I didn't really want to keep seeing evil Kawee anymore. I didn't really feel the love when he all the sudden decided he wanted to be with Narin. But it's good that he turned himself around.
Acting wise, I think Ken and Ann did a great job in SB (and of course Aum and Aff too). But overall, I thought JLR's romance was built up better and the revenge was a little but more understandable between them as to why Harit was seeking revenge. For Kawee picking on Ann, that does didn't sit well with me very much. And even through the end of the story, I don't think we still ever got to see what Leela did that was soooooooooo evil that Kawee hated her all that much. I admit she did go psycho as his stepmom towards him. But still, in the parts that we saw her from Kawee's past, where she was still innocent, all she did was have a crush on him!!! And he was already so mean to her. That part was disappointing.
I do have to say both third wheel characters were a bit weak though in both lakorns. I didn't care for Ann & Louis or Aff & Ryan very much.
kekeke i think it was an honest relationship.. xp ..i couldn't agree more. with SB, he know his target but yet he didn't aim toward that, instead aim elsewhere to a weaker point. that's what upset me the most too .. i know he's mad at the sister but what right does he have to put all his grudges on and use Narin to relief his stress on. what i found even more sad is that with all these going on, Kawee still manage to continue to hurt her and use her to his advantage. I understand his pride got in the way but dude, too much is too much. i would never forgive him. LOl
and yes, what i like about JLR is that the minutes Harith sense something is wrong or found out the truth, he step forward and try to face it with Soriya unless she ask him politely not to do it, well except the revenge part but he was honest with her and show her that he's still mad and want revenge. come to think of it, in a way, they do kind of have a honest relationship![]()
hahaha ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bau is gonna get a big whoopin from my princess sala.. ooooooo kekkeke.. muahahahahha .. lol.. sehe gonna make u bow forever n make u her slave kekekke.. n have u be EXECUTED .. muahahahahahahhahaha *evil laugh* .. damn im evil xp lol.. hahahhaha .. j/k..EXSPECIALLY BAU! who owned my page! whihc we have to have a little talk here
no u wont die.. awwwwwwwwwwwwwe.. imma miss u too .. T_T.. ahhhhhhh my khun ying sala.. <--- thats not gonna be said for awhile i guess ?? hmmm lol.. xp..ima die this week gawd ima miss ya'll
hahahaha .. im cool with it .. **coughcough** .. jus dont scare the others animore lmao.. hahahaha .. omg hmmm has rr seen it yet?? kekkeke..:blush: sorry sisters...i feel bad about that...but don't worry, once-in-a-lifetime...i didn't even watch it...that stuff scares me easily...
one time only...promise...
yup..yup..yup.. kekeke u remember well arisa xp kekeke.. love ya..LOL sis tok koa loarn ka nong soa? hehe well apparently Aiko is the first in line hehe.
lol.. i'll check it out soon.. kekeke..hello my lovely sisters...i just finished a ken marathon...kind should go check out my blog
it's safe, you know that's my blog...what i had to say about ken was too long to put in here...i am just in total awe of him as an actor!
omg im noticed for not bein on.. xp .. kekekeke i thought i was alone.. ahhhhhhhh i miss ya too bau xp .. kekeke.. dun worry im hea now xp kekekke..gosh i miss everyone so much, especially the sisters who i havent talked to here in ages: ELIE!!!, an, moh, ami, van, chen, my one and only 98, aikoie (sissy where are you?), raiya!
the only ppl i have been talking with are:
omg i forgot bout that argh.. omg i hope she did well.. i know its too late but good luck An ..BTW, all JLRians and ATeamers, an sends her regards. she misses you all. she is busy with orientation. let's hope the best for her
i love it .. xp.. imma watch the clips of them n the otha soon..xp..hehe btw, i love my new gif of 'A2' heheheheheehehhehe ... that 'pushing scene' of them got me so hyped it for it!!!!!!!!! hehe BBBK, air soon!
i know.. i was like omg so sexy ... ooops ummm i mean hot.. xp lol .. hahahahawow you guys look at aum's biceps in my gif ... hehe so HOT!!