Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie OldFart
Throws a Gayu stuffed monkey to keep donna company, and a blanket to keep her warm, and some bananas for the hunger. I got it all covered!!! :)
*donna catches gayu, blanket and the bananas* thanks starry! ^_^ speaking of bananas, what kind of banana did you gave me? is it a baby banana or an adult banana?? :loool: :ph34r:


Staff member
You know... I'm actually glad that lakorns and chinese dramas end. Because they usually end up happy at the end and I can imagine the rest of their happy lives together. So much more romantic.

I hate American soaps after a while because the story goes on sooooooooo long that the characters end up breaking up, being with other people, sleeping around with other people, having 5+ kids by different guys... how is that supposed to be romantic?? I always feel cheated and that I watched it all for nothing because they don't end up together anyways eventually... that or I'm always feeling like, "Will she cheat on him with this new guy later... what about that other guy??... cause they never stay together consistently in a soap.
I admit, sometimes the pairings are soooooooo good though (I still miss Chloe and Philip (the normal hot looking one) together on Days of Our Lives when they first started falling in love... I teared up when their love story kind of fell apart...)
lol.. i havent watch american soap operas for the longest time lol.. when i was a kid i used to watch All My Children keke with my family kekeke.. but then my sis were all up on korean japanese.. etc.. n got me hooked so then i stopped watchin them keke.. now i rarely watch tv .. kekeke for some reason when im watchin tv i'll either be watchin mtv .. vh1.. cartoon network .. xp lol.. or the animal channel.. keke iono y... guess im still a kid kekekeke..


Staff member
I totally have thai lakorn, chinese drama phases too... where all I watch, listen, and look up stuff online is in that genre... I was soo obessed with taiwanese dramas a while back then JLR turned me into thai phase and now I'm still there.... but I have to admit, 'Fated to Love You' is really trying hard to pull me back into chinese mode again. (Gosh, can't wait for the next part!!!)
lol.. gurl im so behind in FTLY...


Staff member
Yeah, I'm totally stuck in thai phase at the moment too... it can stay with my until the end of the year. I hope I turn back into Chinese mode by the time I head off to China at Christmas... otherwise I won't be crazy in love with all the chinese dramas I should be seeing there at that time.
kekeke.. i was on my jap phase b4 thai because of hana kimi .. etc.. but then bam this year thai.. lol.. haha i stil watch korean jap taiwanese ..etc.. but im def hooked onto thai rite now though xp kekeke.. u gonna go to china.. kool.. my sis was suppose to go but she changed her mind.. she was gonna go study abroad..


Staff member
Hmm... you better not team up with bau then... I can imagine how much trouble bau can cause with more scary pranks. LOL
kekek.. no i wont.. im not anotha prankster xp lol.. keke.. or am i lol.. hahaha.. j/k.. i wont prank u sistaz.. keke.. im not like bau.. lmao.. keke..