Ah, finally another chance to come spam!
Tina i would be your accomplice in a heartbeat...but i'm so weak and gullible...just one flash of Pong's smile...and i'd so let him go! i'd be such a bad accomplice...hehehe...
i thought that too...hilarious...i was like..."no, not there...Monthai...not like that..." and "what if those goons hear you?"...hehehe...i'm a practical person...what if someone interrrupts?
i know...in the dirt...w/ a wound...no! but dude did look so angry at the thought of her w/ Keitchai...majorly jealous with a hint of hurt...yeah, Pong is so good he managed to convey that subtlely...as i've been saying all along...love Pong's facial expressions!

i know i love Monthai's mom too...gosh...she's awesome...Wee's plan totally backfired, and it played PERFECTLY to Monthai's mom's advantage! LOVE it!