There are a lot of really good lined up for Channel 3 after Badarn Jai.... I'm excited for a lot of them. I wouldn't be watching this if it wasn't for Win.... I've loved his older brother, Navin Tar's, music for a while. When I was back in Thailand I picked up Praew magazine, the one with Aum, Mario, Mos, Ananda, Dome, and some other guys on the cover.... He was inside, and I didn't really think twice until my sister said, "Oh, that's Win-Tawin.... you know Navin Tar's brother." Then I saw the obvious resemblance. So when I got home, I looked him up and found this lakorn. He's not too bad, but of course, there is always room for improvements, I understand that he's only has, about 4 lakorns? including this one?? I don't really know. I usually watch channel 3 stuff.... but once in a while I do stroll by channel 7.