this thread is funny as heck!!! LMAO..
gosh i swore to myself not to get drunk anymore too..its baddddddddddddddddddd.
(and for sure no freaking bacardi 151..that stuff knock the shiat out of me) its good to get a good buzz..once it wears out take a few more shots...and repeat (but not to a point where my head is in the toilet bowl anymore..ewww that is just plain disgusting)
yep only drink when you are around ppl you trust..
i drink only with my girl cousin or cousins..i dont drink with strangers..or atleast i hope i wont have
besides i guess i can drink with my lil sister..shes a teacher/bartender
ohhh noy since you like to drink beer..have you played this cup tipping game with beer? guys vs girls..its really fun.. (by the end of the night you realized that you have finish a case of beer yourself..lots of beer)